A naturally occurring molecule identified by Stanford Medicine researchers appears similar to semaglutide—also known as ...
Johns Hopkins Medicine laboratory scientists say they have developed a potential new way to treat a variety of rare genetic ...
Working in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands, scientists at the University of ...
Rare and powerful compounds, known as keystone molecules, can build a web of invisible interactions among species.
Evidence suggests deliberate production of bone tools happened much earlier than previously thought — plus, how cells’ ...
In the late 1700s, a German scientist and philosopher named Georg Christoph Lichtenberg famously wrote: "The most dangerous ...
Fat molecules known as PUFAs can help lessen nerve damage in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a study suggests.
Even though they're in the animal kingdom's order of Carnivora – carnivorous species – Giant pandas spend up to 16 hours a ...
In an international collaboration, researchers have made an important breakthrough in the therapeutic delivery of microRNAs ...
The scientists demonstrate that it is possible to specifically deliver the treatment to the muscle stem cells, avoiding ...
A study by researchers at the College of Medicine – Tucson suggests that an FDA-approved osteoporosis treatment could help ...