Entrepreneurs took part in the 11th edition of Startup Day, promoted by the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support ...
Ten lucky winners can each win £100 to splash out and discover SAMBAZON’s açaí superfood, packed with antioxidants, launching ...
O professor do colegiado de Engenharia Química, Menyklen Penafort, lidera o projeto na universidade e explica que o material ...
Diante da seca histórica na região em 2024, estima-se que a safra atual seja a pior já registrada, afetando 332 famílias que ...
When you think of Brazil, you picture colourful carnival goers, Christ the Redeemer towering over tourists, and sunbathers on ...
Known as the ‘gateway to the Amazon’ due to its location on the mouth of the Pará River, part of the Amazon River system, ...
A Amazônia é um ecossistema profundamente marcado pelo ciclo das águas, com os períodos de cheia e vazante determinando a ...
Mongabay went to Pará state’s southwest and found examples of people struggling to keep sustainable initiatives in a region dominated by soy, cattle, gold and logging.
Ahead of the COP30 climate summit in Belém, Brazil, developers are carving a four-lane highway through protected tracts of ...
The Brazilian government has cleared protected Amazon rainforest to build a highway for the COP30 climate summit.
As reported by the BBC, the state government of Pará cleared out eight miles of Amazon rainforest to build the highway. The ...
The climate conference doesn't begin until November but controversy is already swirling, according to the BBC.