Shouzou Kaga Gaiden Interview - Serenes Forest Forums
Mar 15, 2017 · Today marks the 25th anniversary of Fire Emblem Gaiden's release, so to mark the occasion Kirokan and I are releasing a translation of an old interview Kaga did in the Ape Encyclopedia Fire Emblem Gaiden. Big thanks to Kirokan, who without this wouldn't be possible. Spoiler Q: Interviewer A: Shou...
FE Gaiden Updated names/font patch - Serenes Forest Forums
Jan 18, 2023 · I didn't even know about this patch until I saw it mentioned in a FE translation history Mega Koopa put together and posted on the the Fire Emblem subreddit. I'm glad to see Gaiden getting a little love as it seemed like it was one of the last that still needed a little polish to update the names to the official translations.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Gaiden Playthrough "Randomizer" …
Apr 13, 2017 · That's it, I'm switching to the gaiden removal patch, I think the saves are compatible. Ch.6x Preparations Ok, I applied the gaiden removal patch and redid the last part of chapter 6. It mostly went the same way, except this time Castor got the boss. This is the first time I play this chapter! Ch.6x The enemies here are pretty weak. Makes sense ...
[COMPLETE] Fire Emblem Gaiden PC Translation - Serenes Forest …
Sep 11, 2014 · If you look up Fire Emblem Gaiden PC and click the reddit post, someone put working DL links in Google Drive. It's really easy to break the game though. Since the angel ring gives +100% to all growths, I just finished Celica Act 4 with a DF Atlas with 60 HP, 35 Def, and 38 Spd, and on Alm's side (haven't done the border map yet) I have an Alm ...
Gaiden Chapters - Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - Serenes Forest …
Aug 9, 2008 · If you get a Gaiden without trying, you're a shitty player It's funny, though, that it seems to be such an issue with a lot of fans about the dying bit--just because it's different doesn't mean it's crap. Like I've said about every other thing about New Ankoku (FE1 DS), after ten games in the series, a new change every now and then is welcomed.
Fire Emblem Gaiden: Minimum Recruitment Run - NES and SNES …
Dec 26, 2016 · Once you reach level 10, experience gains grinds almost to a halt, but most characters are able to avoid this due to promoting at level 10 or earlier, Unfortunately, May promotes at level 20, which would probably be the equivalent of level 30 or 40 in …
Secret shops/desert map/gaiden chapters/FAQ - Fire Emblem: …
Nov 19, 2008 · The Fire one is slightly inferior to Fa's Divine Dragonstone, but it has unlimited usage. During Ch 22 or 23, position a Thief character so they are within the range of an enemy with a Berserk staff and near an enemy Mamkute. If your Thief becomes berserked, they can steal the Fire Dragonstone from the enemy Mamkute.
Fire Emblem Gaiden PC Remake - Serenes Forest Forums
Jan 20, 2010 · For anybody who missed it, I've reuploaded the remake of FE2, made by a ChinaFE member using SRPG Maker 95. From memory, you start using the files in the FEgaiden1 directory. Once you've reached the end of the part, you add the files from FEgaiden2 (and later 3 and 4) into the same directory (all...
Fire Emblem Gaiden GBA Portraits - Serenes Forest Forums
Mar 15, 2015 · Hi guys! I really like Gaiden's plot but the sprites are a bit old, so I tried to make the portraits of some characters from the first and the second chapter. They are the first sprites I ever made, but i hope you like them! Advices to improve their quality are welcome^^ The characters i made are...
Gaiden Chapters/Paralogues - General Fire Emblem - Serenes …
Aug 18, 2017 · In addition, FE7 attempted a subplot with Kishuna contained wholly in Gaidens, and hid a massive revelation about Nergal in a super hidden Gaiden that unfairly takes luck to unlock. FE6 uses its Gaidens to build a little lore, and provide the Divine Weapons one will be using for the last few chapters which they unlock.