Clan Badge - Clash of Clans Wiki
Every Clan has an authentic badge to show off and represent their clan. The badge design of a clan is decided by the player who created the clan. Subsequently, the badge can be changed by any player whose rank is co-leader or leader.
Clan Perks - Clash of Clans Wiki
Once enough Clan XP is earned, the Clan will level up, and receive Clan Perks that permanently boost various aspects of the Clan. The level of the Clan is visible on the Clan Badge, while the perks that the Clan has unlocked can be viewed by tapping the "Clan Perks" button.
Everything about Clan Levels and Clan Perks | Clash of Clans
Jul 27, 2015 · Clan Levels and Perks Summary. Your Clan receive a certain amount of EXP after every attack in Clan Wars. Just like your level, once your Clan hits the threshold, It will go to the next level and earn perks, new fancy badges, new border options for the clan symbol and the prestige! The higher level your Clan is, the more valuable perks it has.
Clans | Clash of Clans Wiki | Fandom
Clan Badge, Clan Troop drop stone, and Castle graphic update – The new Clan Badge border will change based on your Clans level. Clan Path – Donated troops will now travel through the Clan Path on the map. Social Improvements: Clan Suggestions. Searching for Clans becomes even easier with the new Clan Suggestions function.
Clan Perks | Supercell Support Portal
As you gain Clan XP, you will be able to unlock a variety of Clan Perks. Some Perks are purely visual, such as the Clan badge borders. The borders are the same for each Clan of the same XP level, but as your clan levels up the border graphics become more and more epic.
Best TH9 War Base Layouts with Links 2025 - Copy Town Hall Level 9 Clan …
On this level you’ll get 10 additional new buildings: Gold Storage. Elixir Storage, Archer Tower, Air Defence, Wizard Tower, Hidden Tesla and 2 X-bows. You’ll have another 25 Wall units available, Giant Bomb and 2 Seeking Air Mines as well as a new hero – Archer Queen.
Clan is now a level 9 and we have one... - RLC Relapsed Clan
May 15, 2012 · Clan is now a level 9 and we have one more gold badge that has to be tallied in. Great job everyone!! We're movin' on up!
[MISC] The Great Clan Perks Debate: Should clans get perks after level …
That +2 level bump is HUGE for clans that don't have a ton of max bases. It helps every war attack and defense be timely and strong and every regular raid too... not that you'll be able to count on troops for all your regular raids because: Only …
How To Level Up In Clash of Clans: Step-by-step Tutorial - Scien …
Jun 30, 2023 · As your clan accumulates enough XP, it will level up, unlocking permanent Clan Perks that enhance various aspects of the clan. The clan’s level can be observed on the clan badge, while the unlocked benefits can be accessed by selecting the “Clan Benefits” button.
Clash of Clans Guide
Welcome to a ad-free, mobile friendly and multi-lingual database for Clash of Clans. All data is pulled directly from the game files. Click the to set your language. Support a Content Creator by entering their Creator Code! You can now support your favorite creator under Settings > …