Wixom, MI | Home
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Visitors | Wixom, MI
This link will take you to the site of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments where you will find information on Wixom's population, economy and jobs, housing, transportation, and …
Departments | Wixom, MI
The City of Wixom has the following Departments: City Clerk; City Manager's Office; Construction and Development Services; Department of Public Works; Finance; Fire; Mayor & City Council; …
Residents | Wixom, MI
This link to the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments website provides information about Wixom's people, economy and jobs, housing, transportation, and environment and land use. …
Mayor and City Council | Wixom, MI
Throughout its history, Wixom has enjoyed a high level of citizen involvement, which has contributed to the high quality of life in the community. Residents are elected or appointed to …
Activities & Events | Wixom, MI
2025 ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS: EVENT: DATE: TIME: LOCATION: Skate Nights: Thursdays, January 9 - February 27: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Community Center: Daddy Daughter Dance
Online Payments | Wixom, MI
There is a third-party service fee to utilize credit card or ACH (E-check) payment methods: Credit Card: 3% fee with a $2 minimum.. ACH/E-Check: Flat fee of $3 for payments up to $10,000, …
Business Licenses | Wixom, MI
The City of Wixom's Business Licensing program ensures that licensed businesses comply with safety codes to provide a safe environment for employees and customers. A license also …
Assessing | Wixom, MI
The City of Wixom's Assessing Services are provided by Oakland County’s Equalization Department. In addition to Oakland County's services, the City provides the following services: …
Department of Public Works | Wixom, MI
How do I rent a pavilion at one of Wixom’s parks? Reservations for the City’s park pavilions are made available to rent each year starting January 1 st . A park rental information, including …