Prague Post - World's Breaking News
Dec 5, 2024 · Prague Post has evolved forward covering breaking stories, and even breaking a few of our own. Readers now come from all across the globe and can get news the same day it happens.
Nazi occult books found in Czech National Library depot
Mar 20, 2016 · Some 13,000 volumes were collected by Himmler for his planned new Camelot Books on witchcraft and the occult collected by SS chief Heinrich Himmler were found in a storage depot near Prague used by the Czech National Library. The depot has not been accessed since the 1950s, according to UK tabloid the Daily Mail, which cited Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang. Bjørn Helge Horrisland, a ...
When Mozart Met Casanova - Prague Post
Nov 1, 2019 · The tradition that Mozart met Casanova in 1787 is another of Prague’s mysteries. Trying to explore whether they did in the absence of good evidence means that inevitably, the same legends are repeated. I want to discover if anything supports the possibility that they met or at least, show where the opportunities to do so could have occurred. Local Prague tradition suggests that a meeting ...
Teacher resigns after being spotted in porn film - Prague Post
Apr 30, 2015 · Woman admits in ‘casting’ film to being a Czech school teacher Update on May 4: The teacher told commercial station TV Nova that she believes she was drugged. "I was looking for an extra job and I found an advertisement looking for toned figures for a photo shoot. I thought it was for lingerie. I think they drugged me with cocaine. I am sure that something was there. My behavior was ...
10 fun facts you should know about Charles Bridge - Prague Post
Dec 1, 2015 · The oldest bridge in Prague has a few tales to tell from its long history. Lucie Turnerová from the Charles Bridge Museum and boat company Prague Venice helped us get to know a bit about the history of the landmark.. She describes the Charles Bridge as “the epicenter of Czech spirit,” an idea that heightens the bridge’s status as a …
Whatever happened to Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes?
Feb 15, 2014 · Tracking down the last car the “Butcher of Prague” ever drove in is no easy task Reinhard Heydrich got what was coming to him. On May 27, 1942, his car was stopped at a hairpin turn in the Prague neighborhood of Libeň by a man wielding a Sten machine gun. The gun jammed, and as Heydrich got up to shoot the would-be assassin, another man lobbed a hand grenade in his direction, exploding ...
Tracing the steps of Mozart in Prague - Prague Post
Jul 5, 2014 · The famed composer spent just a few months in the city but left a wide trail For all of the talk about Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Prague, the composer actually spent very little time here. The composer was in the Golden City just five times, and some of those trips were rather brief. The Moravian cities of Brno and Olomouc also claim connections. Virtually every tourist knows that he ...
About Us - Prague Post
Feb 16, 2025 · More than the voice of Prague, now the voice of all the world with a new team and a user interface. The Prague Post Magazine has evolved forward covering breaking stories, and even breaking a few of our own. Readers now come from all across the globe and can get news the same day it happens. We will continue to focus not just on Prague, but on trends in Central Europe and the larger world. We ...
Pop star Iveta Bartošová dies - Prague Post
Apr 29, 2014 · Czech singer killed by train in apparent suicide. Prague, April 29 (ČTK) — Czech pop star Iveta Bartošová ended her life this morning by jumping into the path of an oncoming train in the district of Uhříněves on the outskirts of Prague, her husband Josef Rychtář said today. Prague emergency service spokeswoman Jiřina Ernestová told the Czech News Agency rescuers had arrived at the ...
5 Most Beautiful Czech Women in the World - Prague Post
Sep 8, 2017 · Petra Němcová Petra Němcová. Petra Němcová is easily one of the most beautiful women in all of the Czech Republic not just in the way of her looks, but in her heart and her actions too. Petra is a model, television host and philanthropist, but she also has the charity the “Happy Hearts Fund” to her name too. She founded the charity in 2005, a year after the disaster of the Tsunami in ...