Who Is ObaFemi | O.I.D.S.I
Baba Femi is the author of the book entitled “Who is Sambo?”, "The Fundamentals of Odu," and several manuals on Ifa rights of passage, rituals, and ceremonies. He has also established a significant YouTube presence through Ifa-related lectures and classes over the years.
Obafemi Institute for the Divine Study of Ifa | Ifa tradition
O.I.D.S.I stands for Obafemi Institute of the Divine Universal Study of Ifa. In its many definitions, Ifa speaks of the wisdom of nature and universal truths, which is referenced and understood through Universal Laws. The African Spiritual Science approach is the same at the base but expands on that knowledge of the system of knowing one’s self.
Books - O.I.D.S.I
Explore the written works of Oluwo Obafemi Fayemi available directly through the O.I.D.S.I website or Amazon.
Book A Reading - O.I.D.S.I
Chief Oluwo Baba Femi Fayemi Epega or as he is known Baba Femi, is a master diviner. His mastery in divination has afforded him the blessing to be a diviner to people of all walks of life across the global community. This includes celebrities and the wealthy, with discretion being paramount with every casting.