Yamu - Dragon Ball Wiki
Yamu (ヤムー Yamū) is a fighter in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, and Spopovich 's partner. They were both brought under the control of the evil wizard Babidi and used to …
Spopovich - Dragon Ball Wiki
When Spopovich and Yamu arrive at Babidi's Spaceship, they are greeted by Pui Pui, Dabura, and Babidi himself. The evil magician takes the Energy-Suction Device from him and Yamu, …
Yamu - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Yamu is a supporting antagonist of the Buu Saga of Dragon Ball Z. He is one of Babidi's henchmen. He is Spopovich's partner, and is much smaller than him, and much more …
Yamu | Dragon Ball Z Team Training Wiki | Fandom
Yamu; He's very athletic and it's hard to avoid his fast moves. Moreover, he's cold-blooded and he can control his violence.
Energy-Suction Device | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom
Yamu uses the Energy-Sunction Device during his attack with Spopovich against Gohan at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament. Surprised by the increased energy rating on the Energy …
Yamu - Dragon Ball Encyclopedia, the Dragon Ball wiki
Yamu (ヤムー, Yamū; FUNimation "Yamu") is a martial artist. In Dragon Ball Z, Yamu is paired up with Spopovich and sent to the 25th Tenkaichi Tournament to gather energy for Babidi, the evil …
Yamu - The Character Database
Yamu (ヤムー Yamū) is a fighter in the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament and the partner of Spopovich. Both fighters were placed under the control of the evil wizard Babidi to serve his …
Yamu - Dragon Ball Wiki - Neoseeker
Jun 27, 2013 · Yamu is a fictional character in the popular series, Dragonball Z. Yamu is Spopovitch's partner in crime and has also allowed himself to be put under Babidi's control. He …
Yamu | Dragon Universe Wiki | Fandom
Yamu (ヤム) was a Human-type Earthling who fell under Babidi's controls and became his minion to collect the energy to revive Majin Boo.
Yamu (Dragon Ball Z) - MyAnimeList.net
Read more information about the character Yamu from Dragon Ball Z? At MyAnimeList, you can find out about their voice actors, animeography, pictures and much more! MyAnimeList is the …
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