Amazing & Frightening Sculptures of Vidala & Kirtimukha In …
Jan 12, 2023 · One particular kind of sculpture that catches the attention of every onlooker in the outer walls of the Sun temple at Konark, Odisha is VIDALA. These VIDALAS are also found in the outer walls of several other temples of Odisha like Lingaraj temple at Bhubaneswar and Shree Jagannath temple at Puri .
Yali - the mythical animal - Manish Jaishree
It is a popular temple motif like apsaras and yakshas. Yali is also known as vyala or vidala in Sanskrit. It is a composite form of many different animals. Samarangana Sutradhara mentions sixteen forms of Vyala that can be carved in sixteen different poses.
4.1K views · 35 reactions | One particular kind of sculpture that ...
One particular kind of sculpture that catches the attention of every onlooker in the outer walls of the Sun temple at Konark, Odisha is VIDALA (May be a kind of an imaginary animal ). These VIDALAS...
Sun Temple Konark | Vidala/Vyala/Yali is a mythical creature seen …
Vidala/Vyala/Yali is a mythical creature seen in many ancient Indian temples including the Konark Sun Temple. It is portrayed as a figure consisting of part lion, part elephant and in similar shapes...
One particular kind of sculpture that catches the attention of every ...
Jan 13, 2023 · One particular kind of sculpture that catches the attention of every onlooker in the outer walls of the Sun temple at Konark, Odisha is VIDALA (May be a kind of an imaginary /mythical creature ). These VIDALAS are also found in the outer walls of several other temples of Odisha like Lingaraj temple.
Rise of the Ancients | One particular kind of sculpture that catches ...
One particular kind of sculpture that catches the attention of every onlooker in the outer walls of the Sun temple at Konark, Odisha is VIDALA (May be a kind of an imaginary animal ). Vidala is a...
Konark, Sun Temple Konark, Konark Sun Temple, Arka Khetra, …
Konark is an exceptional mixture of marvelous temple architecture, heritage, exotic beach and salient natural beauty. The large structure of Konark Temple seen today is actually the Jagamohana (also known as Assembly hall, Audience hall or Mukhasala) of the temple.
Yali (mythology) - Wikipedia
Karuna Sagar Behera writes of the virala, or vidala (Sanskrit: vyala) in terms of a "mythical monster used [...] as a sculptural and architectural motif, the representation of vidala is of various types, e.g. gaja-vidala, nara-vidala, etc." [7]
musicians, horses, elephants, Gajasimhas, Vidala and other modern decoratives are in the demand and also in the sculptural habits of the craftsmen. The products also include the replicas of temples, the images of Gods and Goddesses, the Konark wheel and horse and decorative figurines like Alasa Kanya (the indolent damsel), Salabhanjaka
Kalinga Architecture: History of Ancient India’s Dazzling Architecture
Nov 6, 2022 · The most notable examples of Kalinga architecture are the temples of Bhubaneswar, Puri, and Konark. The Nagara style of Northern India and the Dravida style of South India were combined to create the Kalinga architecture.