University of Bonn
5 days ago · The University of Excellence in Bonn is one of Germany's top universities. Study and research at one of the largest and best research-led universities in Germany.
University — University of Bonn
Since 2019, the University of Bonn is one of only 11 German Universities of Excellence and the only German university with six Clusters of Excellence. With a strong record of disciplinary excellence and a number of Transdisciplinary Research Areas, the University of Bonn supports the achievement of excellence - since 1818.
Studying in Bonn — University of Bonn
The University of Bonn offers over 200 full and partial degree programs in all manner of different subjects. Besides bachelor’s and master’s programs, students can also choose degrees in theologies and degree programs culminating in the state examination.
Application, Admission and Enrollment — University of Bonn
The University of Bonn offers a wide range of academic subjects. See our program directory for an overview of our degree programs and further information on contents and opportunities during and after your studies.
Degree Programs — University of Bonn
The entire range of courses offered by the University of Bonn. Bachelor's, Master's, state examination and theological degrees. Doctoral degrees, teaching degrees for grammar schools and comprehensive schools, vocational schools, international degree programs.
Universität Bonn
Die Uni Bonn bietet über 200 verschiedene Studienfächer an: von der Agrarwissenschaft bis zur Zahnmedizin. Finden Sie heraus, was zu Ihnen passt.
Faculties — University of Bonn
The University of Bonn has divided its teaching and research activities into seven faculties, which are themselves subdivided into a number of institutes, departments and even clinics.
Degree Programs A-Z — University of Bonn
The University of Bonn offers a comprehensive list of degree programs from A to Z.
Studium — Universität Bonn
Die Universität Bonn bietet über 200 (Teil-) Studiengänge in einem breiten Fächerspektrum von A wie Agrarwissenschaft bis Z wie Zahnmedizin an. Neben Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen können auch Studiengänge mit Staatsexamen und theologischen Abschlüssen gewählt werden.
E-Mail — University IT and Data Center - Hochschulrechenzentrum
If you have received a Uni-ID and activated it, you can access the e-mail portal of the University of Bonn (Webmail) and use all the functions of the e-mail service.