Succinic acid - Wikipedia
Succinic acid is a white, odorless solid with a highly acidic taste. [5] In an aqueous solution, succinic acid readily ionizes to form its conjugate base, succinate (/ ˈ s ʌ k s ɪ n eɪ t /). As a diprotic acid, succinic acid undergoes two successive deprotonation reactions: (CH 2) 2 (CO 2 H) 2 → (CH 2) 2 (CO 2 H)(CO 2) − + H +
琥珀酸 - 百度百科
琥珀酸钠具有贝类特殊滋味的白色结晶粉末,在食品工业中用于调味剂、酸味剂、缓冲剂,用于火腿、香肠、水产品、调味液等。 琥珀酸可以用做防腐剂,pH值调节剂,助溶剂;还可以用来合成解毒剂、利尿剂、镇静剂、止血药、合成抗生素以及维生素A、维生素B等。 作为离子螯和剂,琥珀酸用于在电镀行业防止金属的溶蚀和点蚀;丁二酸是一种良好的表面活性剂,是去垢剂、肥皂和破乳剂的组分;丁二酸可生产脱毛剂、牙膏、清洗剂、高效去皱美容酯。 丁二酸还用于润滑 …
Succinic Acid | C4H6O4 | CID 1110 - PubChem
Succinic acid is an alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid resulting from the formal oxidation of each of the terminal methyl groups of butane to the corresponding carboxy group. It is an intermediate metabolite in the citric acid cycle.
Succinic acid (Wormwood acid,琥珀酸) - 仅供科研 | 食品添加 …
Succinic acid 是三羧酸循环的中间产物。 Succinic acid 是一种重要的平台化学品。 Succinic acid 可以作为表面活性剂、添加剂、离子螯合剂、调味剂等应用于化学、制药和食品等领域中。
Succinic acid | Biomass, Synthesis, Industrial | Britannica
succinic acid, a dicarboxylic acid of molecular formula C 4 H 6 O 4 that is widely distributed in almost all plant and animal tissues and that plays a significant role in intermediary metabolism. It is a colourless crystalline solid, soluble in water, with a melting point of 185–187° C (365–369° F).
琥珀酸(丁二酸)Succinic Acid - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
May 22, 2023 · 医药工业中可用它生产磺胺药、维生素A、维生素B等抗痉挛剂、松痰剂、利尿剂和止血药物。 作为化学试剂,用作碱量法标准试剂、缓冲剂、气相色谱对比样品。 还可用作润滑剂和表面活性剂的原料。
Succinic Acid - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Succinic acid is a C4-bicarboxylic acid synthesized as a vital intermediate of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (Zhu and Tang, 2017). It is employed as a precursor for the synthesis of chemicals and polymers, as well as additives in food and pharmaceutical industries (Liu et al., 2022).
Succinic acid - Wikiwand
Succinic acid is a dicarboxylic acid with the chemical formula (CH2)2(CO2H)2. In living organisms, succinic acid takes the form of an anion, succinate, which ha...
琥珀酸|Succinic acid|110-15-6|参数,分子结构式,图谱信息 - 物 …
性状:无色晶体,具有特殊的酸酯气味。 2. 密度(g/mL,25/4℃):1.572. 3. 相对蒸汽密度(g/mL,空气=1):未确定. 4. 熔点(ºC):188. 5. 沸点(ºC,常压):235(部分转变为酸酐) 6. 沸点(ºC,5.2kPa):未确定. 7. 常温折射率(n 20):1.405. 8. 气相标准燃烧热 (焓) (kJ·mol -1):-1608.7. 9. 气相标准声称热 (焓) ( kJ·mol -1) :-822.6. 10. 晶相相标准燃烧热 (焓) (kJ·mol -1):-1491.26. 11. 晶相标准声称热 (焓) ( kJ·mol -1):-940.27. 12. 晶相标准熵 (J·mol -1 ·K -1) …
Succinic Acid_化工百科 - ChemBK
用于检定铈、铜、镧、钪、镱、钇、亚硝酸盐,测定铁、铅。 对眼睛、皮肤、黏膜有一定的刺激作用,对全身不产生毒害作用。 大剂量口服可引起呕吐和腹泻。 工作人员应作好防护,工作场所应用良好的通风条件。 储存于阴凉、通风仓库内。 远离火种、热源。 防止阳光直射。 保持容器密封。 应与氧化剂、碱类分开存放。 1.19g/mLat 25°C (lit.) 溶于乙醇、乙醚、丙酮和甲醇。 不溶于甲苯、苯、二硫化碳、四氯化碳和石油醚。 n20/D 1.4002 (lit.) 稳定。 要避免的物质包括强碱, …