Solved: when and why we use /31 subnet - Cisco Community
Feb 7, 2011 · Correct, think of your subnet training. /31 leave two IPs together, 0 and 1 are both in the same "network". (don't need the quotes, it's true, just no broadcast and network add needed as stated. It is similar to using the .0 address in a full /23. Seems totally odd, but is still an address and yet not, in this subnet, the network address.
Solved: Subnetting with many /30's - Cisco Community
Aug 19, 2015 · Good Afternoon! Here soon we'll be acquiring a couple 3850's an a nexus 5672UP, and I'm toying with the idea of configuring the subnets to be a plethora of .252's for every link. The idea is to use EIGRP to propagate the links throughout the network so direct path is known by all. Can anyone give me...
HSRP or VRRP with subnet /30 - Cisco Community
Nov 25, 2021 · Hello, I would like to replace an old router with a couple of new router in order to use HSRP or VRRP. The router is currently connected to other routers so that each has a dedicated /30 interconnect subnet and dedicated Vlan. It is not possible to be able to use HSRP or VRRP in /30 because an a...
IP Subnetting, Variable Subnetting, and CIDR (Supernetting)
Oct 25, 2013 · You see, with one office of size 50, we're forced with a simple subnet scheme to use a /26 (2 bits subnet, 6 bits host). However, we have three offices, so this won't work. With offices of size 9 or 10 (which we round up to 16 - 2), we could use a /28 (16 - 2 subnets of 16 - 2 stations) - but then we couldn't fit in our 50 station office.
Solved: Routing Subnet - Cisco Community
Nov 26, 2022 · The picture shows several /24 already; u can use one of those /24 for router to router links but normally router to router link with 2 hosts will use /30. So, PC0 uses subnet on vlan 10; PC1 uses subnet on vlan 20, etc.
Solved: HSRP on a /30? - Cisco Community
Nov 5, 2019 · Solved: My datacenter is looking at installing a second ASR 1001 alongside our current external router and configuring HSRP, however, for administrative reasons we only have a /30 on the interface leading out to the cloud.
With a /25 how do I get a /30 out of it? - Cisco Community
Jul 19, 2010 · You are correct. The /25 will become two /26 subnets. In one of them, you can further subnet to extract a /30 subnet. Example: If we had subnet, we could do as one subnet being the other /26 subnet. Out of .192 subnet, we could derive as a /30 subnet.
Jan 1, 2008 · You were incorrect IMHO with your proposed configuration of the subnet as (in my lab) the wildcard mask of is reported as "Invalid" and is not what I have learned in my studies to date. IMHO the correct configuration to advertise the subnet (range to into OSPF is
Solved: Understanding subneting - Cisco Community
Jan 18, 2022 · So the 3 bits are borowed and know identify the subnet .rest of 5 bits are possible to 32 solutions.0 falls out because its network adress and 1s fall out cause it's gonna be 31 wich should be broadcast adress if I'm not mistaking.So my mistake was thinking that cisco written last 5 host id bits the 5 (00000) in subnetmask binary can lead to 30 ...
Confused with subnetting activity help - Cisco Community
Jun 29, 2012 · * for the rest you could use a /27 (capable of 30 hosts per subnet), its IP addresses should start after the above subnet though: / 27. for your point to point links you can use /30 to preserve IP addresses of a range. HTH, Soroush.