Snake Bite Protection Gear | Snake Gaiters | Safety Wear
Snake Gaiters and Snake Chaps help protect you against deadly snake fangs and are available fit men and women. Snake Protection for Dogs, too! Since 2013, SnakeProtection.com has been …
Snake Gaiters are Important Personal Protective Equipment
Wear snake gaiters or snake boots or full protection snake chaps when in known snake country - whether that be the desert or woods - and greatly reduce your chances of deadly fangs …
Snake Chaps | Snake Protections | Snake Guards
These flexible, protective snake chaps are hand made in the United States, and built to last for years. Weighing only about 2 pounds, which is about a third of the weight of other snake …
Razer Snake Gaiters | Snake Protection | Snake Guards
Razer snake gaiters has the best snake protection as it is light-weight and easily to fit. These foot protection and snake proof also keep your pants clean and dry aside from keeping you safe …
Snake Gaiters | Snake Armor - Snake Armor | Snake Protection
Razer Snake Gaiters are light-weight and contoured to fit around lower legs. A toe cover protects the laces of your boot. Helps protect women and men from snake fangs, cacti needles, briars, …
Snake Hooks & Tongs | Handle Snakes & Reptiles Safely
Snake tongs and snake tongs are humane and effective reptile handling tools that can be used as an extension to your arm. Strong and durable tools designed to give maximum holding …
Snake Bite Blog
We take snake bite protection seriously. Check out our great selection of snake gaiters, chaps and boots that protect you from dangerous snake bites.
Snake Proof Pants | Snake Protection| Snake Guards
Rugged and comfortable, SnakeArmor pants feature a soft, all-cotton shell with a TurtleSkin snake-proof liner sewn into the legs from the knee to the ankle. Protect lower legs from snake …
TurtleSkin SnakeArmor | Snake Boots | Snake Gaiters
Turtleskin SnakeArmor Snake Gaiters are the lightest snake gaiters on the market. Foldable and flexible. Made in USA from high performance textiles. Comfortable for men and women to …
Turtleskin Snake Chaps | Snake Protection | Snake Guards
TurtleSkin Snake Chaps. These flexible, protective snake chaps are hand made in the United States, and built to last for years. Weighing only about 2 pounds, which is about a third of the …