Create a SmartArt graphic from scratch - Microsoft Support
On the SmartArt Design tab, in the SmartArt Styles group, click the SmartArt Style that you want. To see more SmartArt Styles, click the More button. In PowerPoint for the web, you can add and edit SmartArt graphics.
Learn more about SmartArt Graphics - Microsoft Support
SmartArt Styles and color combinations are designed to underscore your content. For example, if you use a 3-D SmartArt Style with perspective, you can see everyone on the same level. You can also use a 3-D SmartArt Style with perspective to emphasize a timeline that goes into the future.
Choose a SmartArt graphic - Microsoft Support
The Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery displays all available layouts broken into eleven different types — All, List, Process, Cycle, Hierarchy, Relationship, Matrix, Pyramid, Picture, Office.com, and Other.
All SmartArt graphics, described - Microsoft Support
A complete listing and picture of all the SmartArt graphic layouts. Use this to quickly decide which SmartArt is best to communicate your message.
Create a flow chart with SmartArt - Microsoft Support
Apply a SmartArt style to your flow chart. Animate your flow chart. Create a flow chart with pictures. On the Insert tab, in the Illustrations group, click SmartArt. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process, and then double-click Picture Accent Process.
Where are the SmartArt tools? - Microsoft Support
You can find SmartArt tools on two tabs: the Format tab and the Design tab: The Design tab helps you change your SmartArt graphic's layout, to change the style, or to change the colors used in your SmartArt graphic.
Crear un elemento gráfico SmartArt desde cero
Un estilo SmartArt es una combinación de diversos efectos, como estilo de línea, bisel o 3D, que puede aplicar a las formas de su Gráfico SmartArt para crear un aspecto único y de diseño profesional. Haga clic en el Gráfico SmartArt. En la pestaña Diseño de SmartArt, en el grupo Estilos SmartArt, haga clic en el estilo smartart que desee.
Video: Create and change SmartArt - Microsoft Support
When you want a list or diagram to stand out on the page, use a SmartArt graphic to make your point. These SmartArt features work similarly across your Office apps. Add SmartArt
Erstellen einer SmartArt-Grafik von Grund auf neu
Klicken Sie auf der Registerkarte Einfügen in der Gruppe Illustrationen auf SmartArt. Klicken Sie im Dialogfeld SmartArt-Grafik auswählen auf den gewünschten Typ und das gewünschte Layout. Führen Sie zum Einfügen Ihres Texts einen der folgenden Schritte aus: Klicken Sie im Textbereich auf [Text], und geben Sie dann den Text ein.
Criar um gráfico SmartArt do zero - Suporte da Microsoft
Em Ferramentas de SmartArt, na guia Design, no grupo Criar Gráfico, clique na seta ao lado de Adicionar Forma. Caso você não veja as guias Ferramentas SmartArt ou Design, verifique se selecionou o elemento gráfico SmartArt.