City of Seymour, Texas | Welcome to Seymour, Texas!
Seymour is located at the crossroads of North Central Texas, about midway between the Dallas-Fort Worth area and the Lubbock and Amarillo areas, 50 miles southwest of Wichita Falls and 100 miles north of Abilene. Regionally, it is about halfway between Oklahoma City, …
Chamber of Commerce | City of Seymour, Texas
The Seymour Chamber of Commerce is nestled in our beautiful Seymour Memorial Park. Our quaint historical building dates back to the WPA projects of the 1930s! Inside you will find all the information you could ever want and need about Seymour Texas and …
Experience Seymour | City of Seymour, Texas
Seymour TX Economic Development; Annexation Plan & City Map; Seymour TX Municipal Airport; Site Selection; Directory; Election Information; Employment; Financial Statements; Hotel Occupancy Tax; Living in Seymour; Municipal Airport; Municipal Court; News; Park & Recreation; Planning & Zoning; Police Department; Salt Fork Recreational Complex ...
Play | City of Seymour, Texas
The town of Seymour is only a stone’s throw from one of the greatest Permian bone beds in the entire world; it only makes sense that the creatures of the Permian – Seymouria, Dimetrodon, Edaphasaur, and Eryops (just to name a few) – should be the stars of the show.
Contact | City of Seymour, Texas
© 2025 City of Seymour, Texas, All Rights Reserved. ...
Bigg’s Pizza and more | City of Seymour, Texas
Seymour TX Economic Development; Annexation Plan & City Map; Seymour TX Municipal Airport; Site Selection; Directory; Election Information; Employment; Financial Statements; Hotel Occupancy Tax; Living in Seymour; Municipal Airport; Municipal Court; News; Park & Recreation; Planning & Zoning; Police Department; Salt Fork Recreational Complex ...
City Administration | City of Seymour, Texas
In the winter of 2023 Seymour will be home to “The Office”, a remote work center at 510 N Donald. It will be equipped to offer remote work offices and remote educational spaces. This was an endeavor made in conjunction with the Texas Workforce Commission, NorTex Regional Planning Commission, and the federal Economic Development Agency EDA.
Living in Seymour | City of Seymour, Texas
Living in Seymour means being a part of a thriving fun community! Whether you want to volunteer, take up a hobby, or sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet, Seymour is the answer to all you could ask for and more.
Dine | City of Seymour, Texas
Seymour Donuts. Restaurants. Carmen and her husband are lovely people that make really great donuts! We have tried everything and never had a bad bite! - Lauren
Museums | City of Seymour, Texas
The Whiteside Museum of Natural History is committed to inspiring enthusiasm and creating opportunities for discovering our present and ancient world and the immense cultural significance represented by the town of Seymour, Texas.