Selko®-pH - Trouw Nutrition
Selko-pH is a synergistic blend of free and buffered organic acids. Selko-pH effectively reduces the pH of water. It also reduces the pH in the crop (in poultry) and stomach of animals more …
Selko-pH | Selko
We designed a synergistic blend of organic acids that aims to reduces the pH of water and support digestion.
Selko-pH is a synergistic blend of free and buffered organic acids. The free acids in Selko-pH make the product particularly effective against Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. E. coli and …
Ask your Trouw Nutrition representative how Selko-pH can improve the digestion and performance of poultry. Selko ® -pH is part of the Poultry Gut Health programme that focuses …
Selko -pH is a synergistic blend of free and highly buffered organic acids. The synergistic blend organic acids effectively reduces pH of drinking water and the stomach and helps in feed …
Selko®-pH - gumat
Selko-pH effectively reduces pH of drinking water. It reduces the pH in the crop and stomach of animals more quickly after ingestion of feed and it improves the microbial balance in the …
Acidifier feed additive - Selko®-pH - Selko Feed Additives B.V.
The synergistic blend of free organic acids in Selko-pH effectively reduces the pH of drinking water. Analyses carried out in the Selko laboratory show that application of Selko-pH reduces …
Nov 8, 2022 · Selko-pH je synergicky působící blend volných a pufrovaných organických kyselin. Volné kyseliny v Selku- pH dělají product efektivní proti Gram-negativním bakteriím ( E. coli a …
Selko pH - Trouw Nutrition Benelux
De Selko-pH productlijn werkt volgens de drie onderstaande stappen: Het zorgt voor een effectieve verlaging van de pH van het drinkwater. Het verlaagt de pH-waarde in de maag …
Selko-PH - Trouw Nutrition
Oct 27, 2022 · Selko-pH effectively reduces the pH of the drinking water. In this way, Selko-pH supports better digestibility of feed ingredients and maintains a stable gut microbiota. The …