Selenium map with great detail - Homesteading Forum
Jan 11, 2012 · Because selenium levels can vary greatly within an area, testing the soil's selenium content is recommended. Soil is considered "selenium deficient" when there is less than 0.5 mg of selenium per kg of soil. Selenium has a very narrow margin of safety. Goats require 0.2 parts per million of selenium, and the toxic level is 3 ppm.
Difference between Bo-Se and Vitamin E & Selenium Gel
Mar 30, 2015 · Contains 500 IU vitamin E and 2.5 ppm selenium per 5 ml (max level of selenium for goats is 3 ppm per animal). Dosage for newborn goats is 2 ml. Dosage for adult goats is 4 ml. Administer once every 30 days. Palatable butterscotch flavor in a gel base. Vitamin E & Selenium Gel in a dial-a-dose tube is easy to administer." 2.5 ppm is .0025 mg
BoSe - Homesteading Forum
Jan 12, 2007 · e. Do not overdose with selenium, toxicity may occur. Prevention a. Dietary inclusion of recommended NRC levels selenium and vitamin E. b. Areas or flocks with past experience of WMD may consider injecting pregnant ewes with selenium-vitamin E preparations at least 4-8 weeks prior to lambing. Use Bo-Se at the rate of a 1 1/2 cc/100 lb. c.
Iron content in water & goat polio???.... - Homesteading Forum
Oct 19, 2012 · I was looking up seleniferous areas in Kansas, and soil composition, and how iron interacts with selenium, and ran across the info that much of Kansas is on selenium rich shale, but in actual seleniferous areas, where selenium is in a form that can be metabolized by plants, (Selenium Oxide 4-6) and does not have either a pH that interferes with ...
When to give Bose shot - Homesteading Forum
Jan 31, 2015 · Bo-Se is a selenium/Vitamin E combination shot. It is for areas that are selenium deficient. Goats with selenium deficiency will have weak kids born and can have problems with retained placentas and issues in labor. It can also cause soft pasterns.
Loose Minerals and Pregnant Cow | Homesteading Forum
Nov 16, 2018 · Selenium is a world wide deficiency and is easily fixed. Copper deficiency - Molybdenum excess is more complex and can be tied up with iron. Because I keep sheep, putting copper in the fertilizer is not an option so twice a year …
Has anyone taken selenium and felt crazy or too much detox????
Aug 19, 2008 · It is probably better to eat a few brazil nuts daily than to take selenium. i take both, 100gms selenium and a handful of brazil nuts twice a day in blended in smoothies for protein.Just after removal i was unable to take any selenium in any form, i was too sensitive, so just be aware if you are new to this and vulnerable, go slow with selenium.
Wry Neck? - Homesteading Forum
Mar 5, 2022 · Vitamin B12, makes sense. Tractor Supply seems to have Aspen Pet Vita-Jec B Complex Fortified Livestock Vitamin Injection, 100 mL, 14060606 at Tractor Supply Co. and Durvet Lamb *& Kid selenium/Vitamin E Gel, 52983 at …
What causes a calf to be born backwards? | Homesteading Forum
Apr 30, 2015 · Many areas of the country are. When a cow is deficient in selenium during her pregnancy, two things happen: First her uterus toughens and is hard to stretch. The calf develops in cramped quarters and finds it difficult to turn into position. Second, the calf is sluggish and weak. You may find it necessary to augment your cattle's selenium intake.
3.5 month old lamb with weak legs | Homesteading Forum
Dec 26, 2012 · Get the Bo-Se. I used to live in Colorado and had issues with selenium in my goats. Just because an area shows adequate levels of soil selenium doesn't mean that its the right KIND of selenium, or that there are not other things in the soil that inhibit uptake or absorption of selenium in both plants and livestock.