SCP-2424 - SCP Foundation
Oct 2, 2022 · SCP-2424 was captured 39km north of Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland near an Inuit settlement that appears to have been destroyed by fire. No local records of the settlement exist. SCP-2424 appears to have a 260mm cannon of unknown make and model that can extend and retract from its mouth.
SCP-2424 "Hostile Walrus Cyborg" | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino …
SCP-2424 was captured 39km north of Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland near an Inuit settlement that appears to have been destroyed by fire. No local records of the settlement exist. SCP-2424 appears to have a 260mm cannon of unknown make and model that can extend and retract from its …
SCP-2424 | SCP Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2424 appears to have a 260mm cannon of unknown make and model that can extend and retract from its mouth. This weapon has been observed to eject black spherical projectiles at extremely low velocities, sometimes firing up to 3 projectiles at once. SCP-2424 can also create seismic vibrations whenever it strikes the ground with sufficient force.
SCP-2424 - SCP基金会
SCP-2424是在格陵兰岛的伊托考托米特镇以北39km处被找到,附近有一处似乎是被火灾摧毁的因纽特人居住点。 当地记录中没有关于该居住点的信息。 SCP-2424的嘴中能自由伸缩出一发260mm口径的大炮,制式类型未知。 该武器会发出一种射速极低的球形炮弹,有时一次发射3颗。 SCP-2424也能通过以足够大的力击打地面来制造地震波。 这期间站在互动区内的人会经历持续4秒的全身瘫痪。 当前未知此种震动是如何引起人体反应的。 SCP-2424会在有人员进入互动区时 …
SCP-2424 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-2424. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2424 is kept in an aquatic hangar at Site-45. Laconic Description: SCP-2424 is a purple walrus equipped with a laser cannon in its mouth.
SCP-2424 - Vs. Battles Wiki
SCP-2424 appears to have a 260mm cannon of unknown make and model that can extend and retract from its mouth. This weapon has been observed to eject black spherical projectiles at extremely low velocities, sometimes firing up to 3 projectiles at once.
SCP-2424 - Fondation SCP
Description : SCP-2424 ressemble à un mammifère marin pouvant appartenir à la famille des Odobenidae. 1 Contrairement aux autres membres de la famille des Odobenidae, SCP-2424 possède une seconde paire de palettes natatoires, une peau d'une couleur violette claire, divers implants cybernétiques dont la fonction est inconnue et a une ...
SCP-2424 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Vật thể #: SCP-2424. Phân loại: Safe Euclid. Thủ tục Quản thúc Đặc biệt: SCP-2424 phải được lưu giữ trong Nhà chứa Thử nghiệm-09 tại Điểm Nghiên cứu-45 nhằm phục vụ các nghiên cứu trong tương lai. Một đường ranh giới màu vàng được sơn …
SCP-CN-2424 - SCP基金会
SCP-CN-2424-2为一系列社交媒体账号,账号名均为“小美面具”或其译名,包含了大部分流行的,具备交友及图片分享功能的社交平台,如Instagram、Snapchat、小红书等。 不同的SCP-CN-2424-1会在购买物品并涂鸦后,每日定时在这些账号上发布其与物品的合照;这些照片并不具备异常性质或模因影响。 在数个平台上的SCP-CN-2424-2拥有大量粉丝,大部分个体认为该账号的拥有者“钱多得没地方花”或“在进行行为艺术”,并未发觉其为异常。 20 . . ,一队服用了认知影响 …
SCP-2424 - Морж-киборг
scp-2424 был захвачен в 39 км к северу от Иллоккортоормиута в Гренландии около инуитского поселения, которое, предположительно, было разрушено в результате пожара.
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