Saaremaa - Wikipedia
Saaremaa (/ ˈ s ɑːr ə m ɑː /; Estonian: [ˈsɑˑreˌmɑː]) is the largest and most populous island in Estonia.Measuring 2,673 km 2 (1,032 sq mi), [1] its population is 31,435 (as of January 2020). [2] The main island of the West Estonian archipelago (Moonsund archipelago), it is located in the Baltic Sea, south of Hiiumaa island and northwest of the Gulf of Riga.
THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Saaremaa (2025) - Tripadvisor
May 13, 2024 · The sculpture depicts Suur Tõll , a mythical hero of the island Saaremaa, and his wife Piret. According to the Legend, Sõrve peninsula was important to Tõll, as from there he reached the shortest way to the island Ruhnu, where he had his cabbage field. When his wife Piret started to make a fire under the cauldron, then Tõll went through the ...
Saaremaa island - Visit Estonia
Mar 12, 2024 · Saaremaa is on the 2020 Sustainable Top 100 destinations list. The competition for international sustainable travel destination success stories is organised by Green Destinations to recognise places that put effort into making the experience of …
12 Best Things To Do In Saaremaa, Estonia - The World Was Here …
Mar 5, 2024 · Saaremaa is no different and there are a couple of microbreweries on the island that can be worth visiting if you’re keen to have a beer. If you want to visit a brewery, the Phitla Brewery located about fifteen minutes from Kuressaare is an excellent choice. They have a rustic taproom with their brews available and you can drink to your heart ...
Saaremaa | Baltic Sea, Coastal Towns, Nature Reserve | Britannica
Saaremaa, island, Estonia.It is the largest of the islands in the Muhu archipelago that divides the Baltic Sea from the Gulf of Riga.The island is low-lying and is composed largely of limestones and dolomites. Some of the places with poorer soils are characterized by the alvary—poor bushy vegetation, frequently stony and rocky areas, and occasional pine forests, used mainly as …
The Top Things to See and Do on Saaremaa Island - Culture Trip
Sep 14, 2021 · Saaremaa’s flat roads and low traffic density make it an ideal cycling destination. Rent a bike from Saaremaa Day Tours, situated next to Restaurant Ku Ku in central Kuressaare. Explore the cycling trails around the city or, alternatively, take any of the main roads leaving the city to the west, north or east. In the north of the island, a ...
Saaremaa Island, Estonia – All You Need To Know
Go Bus and Estonian Lines are other bus companies that run between Saaremaa and main Estonian cities like Tallinn, Pärnu or Viljandi. If you are traveling to Saaremaa from Riga, you will need to change a bus in Parnu, Estonia’s summer capital. The Tourist Information Centre is open from Monday to Saturday in Summer and Monday to Friday off ...
Top 10 picturesque places - Visit Saaremaa
Nov 13, 2024 · …captured in flight: there are places all over Saaremaa that are definitely worth capturing with a drone, because they’re just so beautiful when viewed from above: the Kaali crater, the tip of Sõrve peninsula, Vilsandi National Park, Viidumäe Nature Reserve and Kuressaare Castle and its surroundings are just a few examples of enchanting bird’s-eye views.
Sights - Visit Saaremaa
Four are trestle post mills, while one is an eight-sided smock mill with a rotating roof. They neatly illustrate why Saaremaa is known as the island of windmills. Here in Angla you can learn how our ancestors lived and worked. Panga cliff is the highest bedrock outcrop on the islands and indeed anywhere in Western Estonia. Its maximum height is ...
Transport - Visit Saaremaa
Saaremaa – ancient and modern at the same time. Discover. Ferry tickets Bus tickets. Muhu – an island where time stands still. Discover. Ferry tickets Ferry tickets Flight tickets Flight tickets. Ruhnu – the pearl of the Gulf of Riga. Discover. Ferry tickets. Abruka - a jungle just a stone’s throw away from Kuressaare.
Saaremaa – Vikipeedia
Saaremaa (varem ka Kure saar; saksa ja rootsi keeles Ösel) on Eesti suurim saar.Saaremaa pindala on 2683 km² ning Sjællandi, Ojamaa ja Fyni järel on see suuruselt neljas saar Läänemeres.Saare rannajoone pikkus on ligikaudu 874 km. Saaremaal oli 2020. aasta seisuga 31 435 elanikku. Koos lähisaartega kuulub saar Saaremaa valla koosseisu, mis omakorda …
Saaremaa – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Saaremaa is famous for its music and its own culture, e.g. Saaremaa waltz. The islanders' life has always been bound to the sea and the resilience of their womenfolk, kept busy toiling the land while their men were at sea. The people of Saaremaa love jokes - especially the ones which are about their neighbours - the people of Hiiumaa. The jokes ...
Saare County - Wikipedia
Saare County (Estonian: Saare maakond or Saaremaa; Latin: Oesel; Danish: Øsel; German: Ösel; Swedish: Ösel) is one of 15 counties of Estonia.It consists of Saaremaa, the largest island of Estonia, and several smaller islands near it, most notably Muhu, Ruhnu, Abruka and Vilsandi.The county borders Lääne County to the east, Hiiu County to the north, and Latvia to …
The Breathtaking Estonian Island Renowned For Spas, Folklore, …
Nov 30, 2024 · Saaremaa is Estonia's largest island – 1,050 square miles — and home to roughly 30 thousand people. Kuressaare is a great branching off point with a number of worthy sites. Kuressaare Episcopal Castle is a picturesque, 14th-century fortress, with a museum dedicated to the history of the property and the island. ...
The Island of Saaremaa, Estonia’s Best Kept Secret
Jan 27, 2017 · Saaremaa Island is roughly similar to the area of Rhode Island and home to approximately 30,000 people. Much of Saaremaa’s history mirrors that of mainland Estonia, except that after WWII it was basically isolated, almost cutting it off from the mainland between 1946 and 1989. It may be this restriction that has meant the island is behind the ...
Tule Saaremaale! Saaremaa - Minu saaremaa - Kõik Saaremaast
Nov 25, 2024 · Minu Saaremaa. Saaremaa, Muhu ja Ruhnu on õnnelike inimeste saared: Läänemere keskpaigas asuvad puhta loodusega turvapaigad omanäolise kultuurielu, avatud, nutika ja ühtehoidva rahvaga. Heaolu ja rahulolu loovad inimestele hea sissetulek ning võimalus kasvatada lapsi Eesti kõige peresõbralikumas elukeskkonnas.
Avaleht | Saaremaa vald
Saaremaa vald on pindalalt Eesti suurim ja läänepoolseim kohalik omavalitsus ning rahvaarvult suurim vald. Lisaks Saaremaale on vallas kolm püsiasustuse ja -ühendusega saart: Abruka, Kõinastu ja Vilsandi. Vallas on 427 küla, üheksa alevikku ja üks linn – Kuressaare – mis on ühtlasi valla ja maakonna keskus.
Saaremaa, suurim saar Eestis, turismiinfo ja reisijuhend
Saaremaa on Eesti suurim saar ja Läänemere suuruselt neljas saar. Suuremad on ainult Taani Sjælland ja Fyn ning Rootsi Ojamaa. Saaremaa asub riigi lääneosas ja kuulub Lääne-Eesti saarestikku. Saare pindala on 2673 ruutkilomeetrit ja elanike arv on veidi üle 31 000. Saaremaa on ühendatud Muhu saarega maismaatranspordiga Väinatammi kaudu.
Saaremaa Parish Map - Saare, Estonia - Mapcarta
Saaremaa Parish, also known as Saaremaa Municipality, is a municipality in Saare County in western Estonia. It is the largest municipality in Estonia by land area. Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Overview: Map: Directions: Satellite: Photo Map: Tap on the map to travel: Saaremaa Parish.
Saaremaa official football team - Wikipedia
The Saaremaa official football team is the official association football team of the island of Saaremaa in Estonia.Saaremaa are not members of FIFA or UEFA.They are not eligible to enter either the World Cup or European Championship.. They mainly play officially in Island Games.The team is mostly packed with players from FC Kuressaare and JK Sörve. [3]
Saaremaa – Wikipedia
Saaremaa (deutsch/schwedisch Ösel, dänisch Øsel, lateinisch Osilia) ist mit etwa 2672 km² die größte Insel Estlands sowie der Moonsund-Inseln. Sie ist die viertgrößte Ostseeinsel nach Seeland , Gotland und Fünen und begrenzt den Rigaischen …
Saaremaa mäss – Vikipeedia
Saaremaa maad olid üldiselt väheviljakad [1] ega suutnud ka parematel aastatel kogu saart ära toita, [2] mistõttu imporditi lisavilja sisse. [3] Põllumajanduslikust maast peaaegu pool (ennekõike viljakam ala) kuulus mõisnikele. [1] [2] Üle 80% Saaremaa elanikest tegeles põllumajandusega, kuid neist ligi kahel kolmandikul (peamiselt maatameestel ja vabadikel) polnud endal üldse või ...
Veere, Saaremaa, Estonia Weather - The Weather Channel
Veere, Saaremaa, Estonia Weather. 7. Today. Hourly. 10 Day. Radar. Storms. Today's Air Quality-Veere, Saaremaa, Estonia. 58. Moderate. Air quality is acceptable; however, for some pollutants there ...
Reet Piiri: mida kandsid Lääne- ja Saaremaa naised kirikusse ja …
4 days ago · Eesti Rahva Muuseumi kuraator Reet Piiri tegi "Prillitoosis" seoses läheneva laulu- ja tantsupeoga ülevaate erinevatest peakatetest, mida Lääne- ja Saaremaa naised on kandnud, kui mindi kirikusse või peole. Valikust leiab nii tanusid kui ka tuttmütse.
Saaremaa vallavalitsuse kommunikatsiooni- ja turundusjuhiks …
2 days ago · Agnes Aaslaid valiti Saaremaa vallavalitsuse kommunikatsiooni- ja turundusjuhiks 18 kandidaadi seast, kellest kaheksa kutsuti vestlusele. Abivallavanem Liis Lepikul on hea meel, et kommunikatsiooni- ja turundusjuhi leidmiseks korraldatud konkursile esitati nii palju avaldusi. „Kandideerinute hulgast rääkis Agnese kasuks mitmekülgne kogemus ...