HELP: Can we talk about O5-2 in the Ouroboros Cycle? : r/SCP
May 23, 2020 · So, about a month ago, I read the Ouroboros Cycle for the first time, and I loved it! It also inspired me to start a long art project around part 4…
SCP-001-DJK3 - The Way It Ends (3) : r/SCPDeclassified - Reddit
Apr 10, 2019 · O5-2 - The Nazarene O5-2 is described in the blurb as being a female of Middle-Eastern descent, though little else is known about her - even the origin of her codename. Early Foundation records indicate that she was in charge of the Department of Morality, which preceded the Ethics Committee. Rumours abound that she is called “The Nazarene” because she was at one point mistaken for Jesus ...
r/SCP on Reddit: I dont know why i did this but. here are all the O5 …
Apr 26, 2021 · O5-2 has pushed repeatedly for a particular sweeping change to Foundation policy: that anomalous objects which become fully understood by the Foundation be universally declassified and introduced to the non-anomalous scientific community (even those alien to current standards of normalcy and established scientific principles).
Do we know the identities of the 05 council? or do they remain ...
Oct 13, 2022 · O5-1 is the defacto leader O5-13 may or may not exist in any form They have a specialized task force for themselves alone (and possibly another person if my scp is liked) We know a few of the former members Jack meets with them every other day for lunch detention Reply reply ftlbvd78 • Weren't all the 05 named in that 'killing the 05 council' or something Reply reply finn01004 • Reply ...
O5 Command Dossier : r/SCP - Reddit
In SCP-001 the oroboros cycle, 05-2 is known as the nazarene, because she is able to move through time, and has stigmata (wounds from a crucifixion) on her hands.
r/SCP on Reddit: So I really want to know. What is everyone's …
Dec 28, 2019 · So I really want to know. What is everyone's favorite O5s from O5-1 to O5-13.
Rank Hierarchy - organizational structure : r/SCP - Reddit
Dec 8, 2023 · Right at this level is the O4 Council (SCP-6747, others), they are the Lesser Council, to break ties of the O5 Council, made up of Site Directors and administrative personnel and others.
Is that really all 05-2 did? : r/SCP - Reddit
The O5-2 is Olivia, who is the Ouroboros final’s sort of love interest. She was brought back to life and imo she might not be fully cognizant Reply reply InsanityIsAGift • No that’s Olivia, who took the role of 05-2 at the end Reply reply Rammmmmie • Oh my bad, it’s been a fat minute since I’ve read it Reply reply More repliesMore replies Ambitious_Hall_9718 • The second 05 is a ...
What's your 'headcanons' about the O5s? : r/SCP - Reddit
The O5 position is extremely dangerous, and O5's are more likely to die on the job than retire. This is because O5's often work closely with and interact with some of the Foundation most deadly SCP's. Hence, SCP articles are very inconsistent about the age, ethnicity, and genders of …
What is the Highest rank of the Foundation? : r/SCP - Reddit
Sep 21, 2023 · Let alone anomalies that form part of the Foundation's structure, like SCP-4755, or hell, maybe the O5 Council is an anomaly (Eates' proposal) or the Administrator is (DJK3 proposal) or the Foundation as a whole (Scantron's Proposal) or all anomalies in general are made up garbage (Mann's Proposal) or maybe it is all just a bunch of horror ...