SCP-2444 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2444 is a recurring physical manifestation which links mainline reality with extradimensional space. While active, SCP-2444 resembles an indoor flea market stocked with anomalous merchandise (designated instances of SCP-2444-1) …
SCP-2444-ARC [Author: Von Pincier] - SCP Archive
Item #: SCP-2444 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Containment of SCP-2444 at Area-994 currently encompasses both the active containment of SCP-2444-2, and the passive monitoring of the ongoing conflict between the four objects comprising SCP-2444-1.
Extended Log of SCP-2444 Vendors
Nov 12, 2024 · This is an extended log of reoccurring vendors found within SCP-2444. New entries are to be added using the template below.
SCP-244 - SCP Foundation
Oct 1, 2022 · Description: SCP-244-1 is a Tunisian-style earthenware jar, made of common ceramics mixed with traces of [DATA EXPUNGED] and decorated with silver filigree.
SCP-2444 | SCPOneCanonProject Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2444 is a recurring physical manifestation of an indoor flea market, accompanied by dreams encouraging attendance of the gathering.
SCP-2444 - SCP基金会
描述: SCP-2444是一个反复出现的实体,类似于市内跳蚤市场。 SCP-2444常见出现地点为城市中的废旧建筑,偶尔农村建筑也会受到影响。 迄今为止,SCP-2444只出现在美国大陆与加拿大境内。 居住在SCP-2444影响范围内 1 的人将会在SCP-2444出现前一段时间内产生与SCP-2444相关的梦境。 最常见的梦境中,常常会出现一种物体,并且做梦者的身体的一部分常常会与那件物体相连接,有时自己本身就会变成这个物体。 大多数情况下,这些物体都是做梦者梦寐以求的东 …
SCP-CN-2444 - SCP基金会
人择原理是解释项目性质的潜在理论之一。 藉由人择原理,SCP-CN-2444可被理解为:在项目存在的所有场合中,项目集合所包含的所有事件必须发生,以确保项目存在,由于项目的存在性,所有事件必然已在项目存在时发生。 对于本项目,该规则将是超因果性的。
SCP-2444 - Блошиный цирк
Описание: SCP-2444 - регулярно возникающее явление, похожее на блошиный рынок в помещении. Чаще всего проявляется в заброшенных, либо находящихся в плачевном состоянии зданиях в черте города, однако известны случаи проявления и в постройках в сельской местности.
SCP-2444 - Flea Circus : r/nuscp - Reddit
Nov 8, 2019 · 3.6K subscribers in the nuscp community. An SCP subreddit dedicated to bringing attention to newer articles in the community.
Karen (SCP-2444 vendor) - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
Karen is a California condor who is a recurring vendor at SCP-2444, as noted by Field Agent Virtanen. Karen's appearance is largely average for a female specimen of her species, the only noteworthy physical feature is that she had suffered severe …
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