Rednukem | Duke Nukem Wiki | Fandom
Rednukem is a modern PC source port of various Build games, including Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage, Redneck Rampage Rides Again, and Duke Nukem 64. The port was …
Nuke (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia
Nuke's pill colors are: red, for increased adrenaline; white, to keep him balanced between missions; and blue, to bring him down. It was originally stated that the red pills Nuke took …
Night City Holocaust | Cyberpunk Wiki | Fandom
The Night City Holocaust,[1] also known as the Arasaka Headquarters (AHQ) Bombing or AHQ Disaster,[2] was a nuclear disaster in Night City that occurred on August 20, 2023. During the …
Red Beard (nuclear weapon) - Wikipedia
Red Beard was the first British tactical nuclear weapon. [1] It was carried by Royal Air Force (RAF) English Electric Canberra medium bombers [2] and the V bomber force [3] and by …
Launch a Nuke
Experience the thrill of launching a nuke in this interactive simulation game.
Operation Redwing - Wikipedia
Operation Redwing was a United States series of 17 nuclear test detonations from May to July 1956. They were conducted at Bikini and Enewetak atolls by Joint Task Force 7 (JTF7). [1] …
Nuke - RoboCop Wiki
The tiny "container" that held the drug Nuke was actually a saline re-moisturizer for contact lens wearers in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The solution was dyed red and, in some shots, had …
Red Nuke - Chicken Gun Wiki
The Red Nuke is an object that appears in Memes Wars, Memes Wars 2 and Chicken Gun. It first appears in MemesWars, then later in Chicken Gun in 3.5.0. This object can explode by …
Nuke This: Nuclear Weapons
Nuke This: a map of destruction by a nuclear bomb. You can click on the map marker for an explanation of the coloured zones. Just enter an address, select a weapon, and "Nuke This". …
Nuclear weapon (Red Alert) - Command & Conquer Wiki
Nuclear weapons are weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that release energies from the fissioning and/or fusing of atomic nuclei. They are far superior in destructive power to …