Phoronid - Wikipedia
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright …
Phoronid, Tube-dwelling & Filter-feeding - Britannica
Horseshoe worm, phylum name Phoronida, a small group (about 12 species) of wormlike marine invertebrates that live in tubes secreted by special glands. These protective tubes become …
Phylum Phoronida (The Horseshoe Worms) - Earth Life
Mar 4, 2020 · Phoronida (also known as Horseshoe worms) is a very small phylum, containing 11 species of generally small marine worms. They are related to the other lophophorate phyla …
Horseshoe Worms (Phylum Phoronida) - iNaturalist
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright …
Horseshoe Worms - Size, Anatomy, Habitat, Diet, & Pictures
Oct 7, 2024 · Horseshoe worms, also called phoronids, are a small group of marine organisms included in the phylum Phoronida. They are characterized by a lophophore, a specialized …
Phoronida (Phoronids) - Encyclopedia.com
Phoronids are suspension feeders, capturing algae, diatoms, flagellates, peridinians, small invertebrate larvae, and detritus from the water by means of the lophophore.
Phoronis: Habitat, Structure and Development (With Diagram)
Phoronis is exclusively marine and is found sparingly over a wide geographical range. It lives in sandy bottom in shallow seas. In the adult stage, it is sedentary becomes enclosed by a …
Introduction to the Phoronida - University of California Museum …
The Phoronida is one of the smallest and least familiar phyla; there are about twelve or so living species in two genera, Phoronis and Phoronopsis. However, phoronids -- or "horseshoe …
Phoronids: Taxonomic Retrospect, Features and Affinities
The Phoronida, Brachiopoda and Ectoprocta are collectively called the lophophorate coelomates. On the basis of their similarities, these three groups were regarded by earlier Zoologists, …
Phoronida—A small clade with a big role in understanding the …
Apr 29, 2023 · Phoronida is a crucial clade for the understanding of lophophorate evolution. The recent findings on their development, combined with new fossils, allow a reconstruction of how …
Phoronida - A small clade with a big role in understanding the ...
Apr 29, 2023 · In this review, I discuss how data on phoronid development, genetics, and morphology can inform our understanding of lophophorate evolution. The actinotrocha larvae …
(PDF) Phoronida - ResearchGate
Jan 1, 2015 · Background: Phoronida is a small group of marine worm-like suspension feeders, which together with brachiopods and bryozoans form the clade Lophophorata.
Phoronida - mindat.org
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright …
Fossil Phoronida and their inferred ichnotaxa
Nov 30, 2010 · Several authors have suggested that fossil tubes or tubicolous burrows and borings are trace fossils of Phoronida, and have ascribed them to various ichnogenera, e.g., …
Phoronida-A small clade with a big role in understanding the
As evident from those examples, Phoronida occupies a central role in the discussion of the evolution of lophophorate body plans and life histories. Keywords: Spiralia; biomineralization; …
Metamorphic remodeling of morphology and the body cavity in
Oct 21, 2015 · The Phoronida is a small group of marine invertebrates with a biphasic life cycle. Adult phoronids live in their own tube in hard or soft substrata as benthic animals [ 13 ]. Their …
Phoronida - SpringerLink
Phoronids are epibenthic (or infaunal) tubiculous marine invertebrates closely related to brachiopods (and perhaps bryozoans; see Nesnidal et al. (2013)) that have oval, U-shaped, or …
The nervous system of the most complex lophophore provides new insights ...
Aug 10, 2021 · Recent research has revealed that the organization of the nervous and muscular systems of the lophophore is similar in phoronids, brachiopods, and bryozoans. At the same …
Modern Data on the Innervation of the Lophophore in - PLOS
Apr 22, 2015 · Evolutionary relationships among members of the Lophophorata remain unclear. Traditionally, the Lophophorata included three phyla: Brachiopoda, Bryozoa or Ectoprocta, and …
The first data on the innervation of the lophophore in the ...
Jul 31, 2017 · Our results suggest that the ancestral lophophore of all lophophorates had a simple shape but many nerve elements. The Lophophorata has traditionally been considered a …