Phoronid - Wikipedia
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright tubes of chitin to support and protect their soft bodies.
Phoronid, Tube-dwelling & Filter-feeding - Britannica
Horseshoe worm, phylum name Phoronida, a small group (about 12 species) of wormlike marine invertebrates that live in tubes secreted by special glands. These protective tubes become encrusted with shells or are buried in sand.
Phylum Phoronida (The Horseshoe Worms) - Earth Life
Mar 4, 2020 · Phoronida (also known as Horseshoe worms) is a very small phylum, containing 11 species of generally small marine worms. They are related to the other lophophorate phyla Brachiopoda and Bryozoa. They live in burrows lined with secreted tubes, mostly in …
Horseshoe Worms - Size, Anatomy, Habitat, Diet, & Pictures
Oct 7, 2024 · Horseshoe worms, also called phoronids, are a small group of marine organisms included in the phylum Phoronida. They are characterized by a lophophore, a specialized crown of tentacles that aids in filter-feeding.
Phoronida—A small clade with a big role in understanding the …
Apr 29, 2023 · Phoronida is a crucial clade for the understanding of lophophorate evolution. The recent findings on their development, combined with new fossils, allow a reconstruction of how larvae, armor, and asexuality evolved in Lophophorata.
Horseshoe Worms (Phylum Phoronida) - iNaturalist
Phoronids (scientific name Phoronida, sometimes called horseshoe worms) are a small phylum of marine animals that filter-feed with a lophophore (a "crown" of tentacles), and build upright tubes of chitin to support and protect their soft bodies.
Phoronids: Phoronida - Encyclopedia.com
Phoronids have blood that circulates inside a system of tubes, or vessels. They have a pair of kidneylike organs that not only remove wastes from the blood, they also work as part of the reproductive system. Phoronids are found in all oceans and seas, except the Antarctic Ocean.
Phoronida (Phoronids) - Encyclopedia.com
Phoronids are suspension feeders, capturing algae, diatoms, flagellates, peridinians, small invertebrate larvae, and detritus from the water by means of the lophophore.
Introduction to the Phoronida - University of California Museum …
The Phoronida is one of the smallest and least familiar phyla; there are about twelve or so living species in two genera, Phoronis and Phoronopsis. However, phoronids -- or "horseshoe worms," as they are sometimes called -- may be abundant in …
Phoronis: Habitat, Structure and Development (With Diagram)
Phoronis is exclusively marine and is found sparingly over a wide geographical range. It lives in sandy bottom in shallow seas. In the adult stage, it is sedentary becomes enclosed by a membranous or leathery tube, within which the animal is capable of being retracted.