Pearlite - Wikipedia
Pearlite is a two-phased, lamellar (or layered) structure composed of alternating layers of ferrite (87.5 wt%) and cementite (12.5 wt%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons. During slow cooling of an iron-carbon alloy, pearlite forms by a eutectoid reaction as austenite cools below 723 °C (1,333 °F) (the eutectoid temperature).
波來鐵 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
珠光体 (英語: Pearlite ),是鋼鐵的一種由铁素体和雪明碳鐵構成的層狀組織。波來鐵中通常含有88%的肥粒鐵和12%的雪明碳鐵,整體的含碳量約為0.8%。波來鐵組織在鋼的顯微組織中是最常見的。
珠光体 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
珠光体 (英语: Pearlite),是钢铁的一种由 铁素体 和 雪明碳铁 构成的层状组织。 波来铁中通常含有88%的肥粒铁和12%的雪明碳铁,整体的含碳量约为0.8%。 波来铁组织在钢的显微组织中是最常见的。 波来铁的生成,是由含碳量约0.8%的 沃斯田铁,在极慢速的冷却中,冷却到摄氏727度时开始产生相变化,而同时析出肥粒铁和雪明碳铁,成为波来铁组织,由于是由单相的固体同时析出两种相,因此这种变态反应称为 共析反应 或 共析变态,而含碳量0.8%的钢,就称为 …
What is Ferrite, Cementite, Pearlite , Martensite, Austenite
Pearlite is the name given to a mixture of about 87.5 percent ferrite and 12.5 percent cementite. It consists of alternate layers of ferrite and cementite in steel. Under high magnification the ferrite and cementite can be seen to be arranged in alternate laminations or plates.
Pearlite: Morphology, Crystallography and Effects | Steel | Metallurgy
When austenite in iron-carbon alloys is transformed isothermally below the eutectoid temperature at small undercooling, it undergoes eutectoid transformation to produce a unique micro- structure termed “pearlite”, which was discovered by Sorby in 1864.
What is Pearlite - Definition - Material Properties
In metallurgy, pearlite is a layered metallic structure of two-phases, which compose of alternating layers of ferrite (87.5 wt%) and cementite (12.5 wt%) that occurs in some steels and cast irons. It is named for its resemblance to mother of pearl.
The morphology and formation mechanism of pearlite in steels
Jun 1, 2009 · Pearlite is one of the microstructures in steels has been described in considerable details, and it is the subject of a great many investigations. But some features of pearlite, including lamellar curvature, lamellar fault formation, lamellar branching, formation of holes and the active nucleus are still not fully understood.
What is Pearlite - Definition and more - BorTec
Pearlite is an eutectoid structural component of steel, which is arranged lamellarly. pearlite is a mixture of the two phases ferrite and cementite. It occurs at carbon contents of between 0.02 and 6.67 % during coupled crystallization in iron-carbon alloys.
Pearlite - Corrosionpedia
Jul 19, 2024 · Pearlite is a two-phased, lamellar (layered or plate-like) structure composed of alternating layers of alpha-ferrite and cementite that occurs in some steels and cast irons. Pearlite only forms under specialized conditions which must be controlled to create this alloy phase.
Pearlite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Pearlite is a lamellar phase resulting from a solid–solid phase transformation in Fe–C alloys, consisting of b.c.c. ferrite and complex orthorhombic cementite components with unique interlamellar habit planes. AI generated definition based on: Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001
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