What are the functions of Parapodia Nephridia? - BYJU'S
Parapodia. The term parapodium refers to lateral protrusions or outgrowths from the body of invertebrates. Parapodia are paired, unjointed lateral outgrowths that bear the chaetae. They …
What animals have parapodia? - BYJU'S
Parapodia: Parapodia are the locomotory lateral appendages that help in the movement of annelids. In the marine gastropods, these structures act as a foot that bears the lateral …
Phylum Annelida- Characteristics And Classification - BYJU'S
The tentacles, parapodia, and setae are not present. The animals are monoecious. The body is dorsoventrally or cylindrically flattened. They have an anterior and posterior sucker on the …
Nereis is an aquatic annelid. Its parapodia help it - BYJU'S
It can swim due to its parapodia. The Nereida family includes the Polychaeta worm genus Nereis. For locomotion, they have setae and parapodia. Every segment of the body, with the …
what are parasitic adaptation in flatworms - BYJU'S
5)Function of parapodia in Annelida The fleshy protrusions on the sides of some marine gastropods are also called parapodia. They are particularly well-developed in sea butterflies. …
Fill up the blank spaces appropriately. Phylum/ ClassExcretory ...
Fill up the blank spaces appropriately. Phylum/ ClassExcretory OrganCirculatoryOrganRespiratory OrganArthropoda Lungs/ Gills/ Tracheal System NephridiaClosedSkin ...
Which of the following is not the locomotory organ of protozoa?
Parapodia In protozoans, locomotion occurs either by pseudopodia, cilia or flagella. Example: Amoeba has pseudopodia, paramoecium locomotes by cilia and trypanosome has flagella as …
Read the following statements and select the incorrect ones.
Read the following statements and select the incorrect ones.i Circulatory system in arthropods is of closed type.ii Parapodia in annelids help in swimming.iii Phylum Mollusca is the second …
Which among the following are incorrectly matched?
Parapodia: Annelida: A. A. Right on! Give the BNAT exam to get a 100% scholarship for BYJUS courses. B. B ...
Leech - Anatomical Description and Circulatory System - BYJU'S
Their body is more elongated, cylindrical or dorso-ventrally flattened. The body has no setae or parapodia. Most leeches have suckers at both the posterior and anterior ends. They also have …