Product Guide - OSO-Pure
And You Use This Type of Treatment Water... Purchase This Water System. Autoclave
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ADG-3600 | OSO-Pure
(AQUIOUS DISINFECTANT GENERATOR) The ADG converts tap water into an endless stream of powerful yet safe disinfectant direct to your dental unit waterlines and vacuum lines.
SUPER HERO Complete (DWSP-307) - OSO-Pure
Description. SUPERH ERO GOLD proce sse s m unicipal w ate r to provide * low -m ine ral w ate r for M ie le ’s G78 8 1 instrum e nt w ash e r and de ntal unit bottle s at up to 12.5 gallons/h our.
osopuremedical.com | Product categories | OSO-Pure | Page 3
Mix-bed Filter for Getinge HS-450 & HS-1000 (61301605458 / 201016) $ 149.42
osopuremedical.com | Product categories | OSO-Pure
Dirt, Sand & Rust Reduction Filter for Getinge HS-200 & HS-300 (61301605449 / 107021) $ 28.22
Products | OSO-Pure | Page 2
Getinge HS-2400 / HS-4800 / HS-9600 / HS-15000 Reverse Osmosis Membrane (61301605464 / 210016) $ 537.50
Dental | OSO-Pure
The ADG converts tap water into an endless stream of powerful yet safe disinfectant direct to your dental unit waterlines and vacuum lines. Combine with our new, compact MR-10 system for a clean, bottle-free, operatory water system.
Getinge WMHS-1100 / HS-300 Reverse Osmosis Membrane …
Description. Premium Getinge HS-300 / WMHS-1100 reverse osmosis filter (61301605919). Made in the USA in ISO 9001:2008 Certified Facilities. Replace your old Getinge RO Membrane with this Superior Premium Replacement.
About | OSO-Pure
In 2000 they expanded in to the veterinary, clinic, college and hospital markets providing microbiologically safe purified water. In 2008 Farvell Mark retired and Skaare Enterprises acquired the company, today Oso-Pure products can be found all …