MotoFino | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums - ProBoards
Oct 12, 2015 · 1972 Vespa Rally 180 1992 Yamaha Jog 2001 Malaguti F12 Phantom-RC1 1989 Honda Elite SB50 2000 Honda Elite-Corsa, PG short, Naraku int., OKO24, UNI, Polini vari, HiT clutch, 8.4:1
49cc to 150cc Motofino Swap | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums
Mar 2, 2013 · GY6 125-150 / 157QMJ Gaskets & Templates. Helix / CN250 Gaskets & Templates. Kymco/Honda 2T Gaskets & Templates
What to do with a new old scooter? | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums
Jul 8, 2016 · It's a MotoFino MF50QT-6, Manufacured in June of 07, but the VIN shows it as an 08 model (So says the help at the SoS). It's go a few cracks, and the ignition keyhole is a little off the hole it should be protruding through, but it works just fine, it seems.
Tao Tao Powermax 150 remaining issues ... - ProBoards
Sep 1, 2014 · you could put dyna beads in the tires which will help to balance them, my old motofino was a lot better after putting them in, you can get them on ebay pretty cheap. #3 can be resolved by keeping hands on grips lol, make sure the triple tree is tight enough and the bearings are ok, check front wheel and make sure it is straight and not bent.
Brand New 150cc Scooter Blowing Fuses - ProBoards
Jun 7, 2016 · This is an off-topic question but I didn't really want to start a new thread for it. With my TaoTao I never had any issues filling the tank with fuel, but for some reason with new scooter no matter how I put the nozzle into the tank when I pull the release fuel splatters back out everywhere because it's hitting that center beam.
Low torque, bad acceleration | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums
Aug 15, 2012 · I've recently acquired and 50cc Motofino with 4,250 miles on it. The motor runs great, clean carburator etc. however, I'm experiencing crappy take offs and really bad acceleration.(with a 200lb
150cc GY6 swap into Jonway Gator 50cc 4t {YY50QT-6} - ProBoards
Aug 12, 2016 · I picked up Jonway Gator 50cc {YY50QT-6} for 100 bucks with 2000km. I have a Baja SC50 that amazingly has been very reliable as my daily driver so I'm looking for info on swapping a 150cc GY6
Losing speed - At a loss | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums
May 25, 2016 · Its a motofino, mf50qt-2 49cc little chinese scooter After a few days of driving i began to have this problem where i would start the scooter, and it would eventntually stall and die after a few seconds. i would have to start the scooter 3-4 times just to get it to stay running.
SC moped laws | 49ccScoot.com Scooter Forums
May 21, 2012 · 05 Motofino 150cc swap scooterguy863 Scoot Newb. Posts: 3 SC moped ...
Taotao Thunder running in cold MO weather FIXED
Mar 8, 2015 · I just bought this 2013 Taotao Thunder new. Put all the 8 miles it has on it. But cold weather made driving it hard for the day I got it we were in the low 50 F. But now below freezing and it wont