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Mini EAT | Mayo Clinic
Mini-EAT™ is a quick and simple 9-item dietary screener aimed to assess your dietary pattern and food intake. Please read each question carefully and select the answer that best represents the quantity of food item you have in an average week.
Mini EAT | Terms & Conditions | Mayo Clinic
Welcome to the Mini-Eating Assessment Tool (“ Mini-EAT ”) website and related digital and online services (“ Mini-EAT Site ”), an internet-based, 9-item rapid dietary screener provided by Mayo Clinic and all affiliates (“ Mayo Clinic ”).
Mini EAT | Privacy Policy | Mayo Clinic
Whether you are visiting the Mini-EAT Site or a Mayo Clinic location, we use reasonable security measures to protect the confidentiality of personal information under our control, and we appropriately limit access to it.