Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration
Before you make an appointment, check out the 60+ services you can complete with a myMVA Online Services account. Change your address, order a duplicate license, view all of your MVA notifications, and much more all in one place! Learn More
Maryland Driver's License - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
New Maryland residents must obtain a Maryland driver’s license within 60 days for a noncommercial driver's license and within 30 days if it is a commercial driver's license (CDL).
Vehicle Services - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
The MVA is responsible for ensuring all Maryland vehicles are safe and road ready. Use the icons below to find more information about Vehicle Services or use the navigation tool on the left.
Renewing Your Vehicle Registration - Pages - Motor Vehicle …
Renew now. If doing so by mail, your renewal notice must be received at the MVA no later than 15 days prior to the expiration of your current registration. If renewing your registration only, you will receive one license plate sticker. If receiving new license plates, you will receive both a …
Online Services - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
The State of Maryland pledges to provide constituents, businesses, customers, and stakeholders with friendly and courteous, timely and responsive, accurate and consistent, accessible and convenient, and truthful and transparent services.
Location & General Operations - Pages - Motor Vehicle …
Find the branch information by clicking on MVA Locations below and selecting your branch in the dashboard. You can visit us online with myMVA ! Complete over 60 transactions on your phone, tablet, or computer and create your account here: my MVA Online Services.
Maryland Vehicle Title and Registration Information - Pages
The MDOT MVA may issue an electronic or digital registration valid for 24 hours, to allow a purchaser of a vehicle to operate the vehicle on a highway in Maryland. Only one 24-hour registration may be issued per vehicle sales transaction.
Renewing Your Maryland Driver's License - Motor Vehicle …
The MVA notice will include instructions on how to renew your driver’s license. Due to federal requirements, customers will be notified upon renewal if they need to provide MVA with documents. If you have already been notified, click here to …
Drivers - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
Whether you are a first time driver or a seasoned veteran behind the wheel, MDOT MVA is committed to ensuring the customers we license are prepared and ready for the road. Use the icons below to find more information about Driver Services or use the navigation tool on the left.
Registration - Vehicle Flags - Pages - Motor Vehicle Administration
The MVA may place a flag on your vehicle’s record upon the request of an authorized flagging entity such as a local police agency. Most flags are associated with an unresolved problem such as vehicle emissions, insurance compliance, parking ticket, red light, speed or toll violation.