Computer Games Similar to ASL? | Advanced Squad Leader
Mar 21, 2018 · Some of these get close and all have aspects of ASL in them. - Steel Panthers - Combat Mission (a series of games that started out as ASL for the PC) - Close Combat (another series of games that started out as ASL) - Graviteam Tactics - Steel Division: Normandy 44
Entry level wargame like ASL? - BoardGameGeek
Apr 1, 2017 · Hello, I'm fascinated by modern era wargames, in particular ASL, but the learning curve seems a bit steep for someone who has as little wargame experience as myself. I however really appreciate the seeming flexibility that ASL offers. I …
Dice combat rework to make it more like Axis and Allies? | Root
Dec 8, 2024 · Hello everyone! I am a huge Root fan and find the game almost perfect. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that the combat is kept relatively simple. Since I grew up with Axis and Allies and still love the combat system there, I would like to have
Computer game similar to ASL? | Advanced Squad Leader
Feb 5, 2009 · When I started playing these games I thought "Man, this is just like Squad Leader" and as previously pointed out they were indeed based on ASL. This is one series of RTS wargame that I keep coming back to after all these years, and for a shameless plug I was involved with a team that modded CCIII: The Great War - ahhh, those were the good ol ...
Where does LnL Tactical games compare to other tactical games …
Dec 14, 2015 · The last two are probably the least chaotic, and the most chess-like. CC is probably the most chaotic, and the one furthest from being chess-like. ASL is the only game which has details like being able to run outside of a building, instead of inside, when going through a building hex (I don't know about ATS, though).
forming firegroups | Advanced Squad Leader: Starter Kit #1
Sep 17, 2024 · The difficulty here is that, in ASL at least, a lone SMC possessing a suitable SW (e.g. MG or ATR) can participate in a firegroup. If you interpret "alone" as meaning, "with zero support weapons," that prevents such a leader from chaining (being the adjacent link between units that are otherwise not adjacent) other units into a firegroup even ...
Advanced Squad Leader WWI style? | Wargames - BoardGameGeek
Oct 3, 2012 · Basically, it's like a DYO project, since things like TO KILL values for heavy weapons are missing, and the rules are a weird hybrid of original SL and ASL. There are some germs of ideas in what is presented - and the components are of a decent enough quality.
Conflict of Heroes vs Advanced Squad Leader | BoardGameGeek
Jan 21, 2016 · ASL/SK is more like a meal, but you have to be in the mood for it to enjoy it. Also, the player base for ASL is older ish, which I mention as a plus as guys are committed to the system, willing to teach, and usually long time wargamers.
The Last Hundred Yards Review | The Last Hundred Yards
Aug 11, 2019 · Each company is divided into platoons. Game activations are performed on platoon basis. So if in other games like Combat Commander or ASL you combine you squads into platoons arbitrary (or you may control them even as separate squads), The Last Hundred Yards stimulate player to think in terms of platoon level combat tasks.
Advanced Squad Leader | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
ASL/ASLSK VASL Meetup Guild (If you are looking for an online opponent for any level of ASL/ASLSK, you can post a message in the Guild forums. Joining the Guild is free, and if you subscribe to the Guild you'll receive a notification whenever someone posts there.) Vassal; WW2T (World War 2 Tactics), 2015, 100% rule compatible to ASL (for PC,Mac ...