L2 relative error - OpenCV Q&A Forum
Jun 26, 2014 · It's for sure not a new formula, guess they just mean the Euclidean (=L2) norm. Btw. the most haven't read this book, so a link to the page you are referring to would be helpful.
object has no attribute 'DIST_L2' - OpenCV Q&A Forum
See answer on question 91808. cv2.cv.CV_DIST_L2 with older OpenCV installations such as 2.4.8
DIST_L2 missing in version 2.4.8? (segmentation demo fails)
Apr 4, 2016 · it is not like they just want to do it so to annoy people. In order to get ROS to be installable using sudo apt-get, all the dependencies should also exist as repositories.
cmake issue compiling bridging code for OpenCV,OpenKinect and …
Dec 1, 2018 · it's not a cmake problem, the old c-api based, CV_ enums were replaced by cv:: ones in opencv3, and opencv4 removed the old ones entirely.
python ret value vastly different from reprojection error
Stats. Asked: 2019-08-14 04:12:53 -0600 Seen: 3,291 times Last updated: Aug 15 '19
error: use of undeclared identifier 'cv' - OpenCV Q&A Forum
Hello Berak, we can run c++ code in online Jupyter that supports c++ code. You can try online jupyter. It has also support for ruby on rails.
SolvePnp determines well the translation but not the rotation
Stats. Asked: 2017-06-19 11:08:57 -0600 Seen: 671 times Last updated: Jun 20 '17
Earth Mover's Distance EMD() results in memory access error
Jul 20, 2012 · Hi, I cannot run the code now but I guess there is int overflow in the line 343. Try to change the emd.cpp like this:
[SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after ... - OpenCV Q&A …
Jan 22, 2020 · [SOLVED]use knnSearch, terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cvflann::anyimpl::bad_any_cast' [closed]
cv::fitline - OpenCV Q&A Forum
Jun 15, 2013 · Hi guys I am using opencv /C++ I am using cv::fitline for fitting one line btw different given 2D points. cv::fitLine(vecDraw,myLine,CV_DIST_L1,0,0.01,0.01); after …