Kylothian | Men in Black Wiki | Fandom
The Kylothians are a race of invertebrate alien worms with a snake-like appearance and plant-like qualities. They are omnivorous beings and originate from the planet Kyloth in the system of the …
Serleena | Men in Black Wiki | Fandom
Serleena, a high-ranking agent in the Kylothian army and queen of the Kylothians, arrived on Earth several years ago when she discovered that the Zarthan had brought the Light of Zartha …
Kylothian | Alien Species | Fandom
The Kylothians are a race of strange aliens from the planet Kyloth. They appear to be entirely made of small tentacles, which are wrapped around each other. Only one Kylothian is known, …
Kylothian - Sci-fi fanfiction Wiki
Kylothians are a race of plant-like organisms from the planet Jorn located in the Kyloth system. Only one Kylothian has been seen to date: Serleena, an operative of the Kylothian military. …
Kylothians | Villains Wiki - Fandom
The Kylothians are a malevolent race of strange plant-like aliens from the planet Kyloth. They appear to be entirely made of small tentacles, which are wrapped around each other. Only one …
Light of Zartha | Men in Black Wiki | Fandom
The Light of Zartha is a powerful cosmic force that Zarthan princess Lauranna left behind on her visit to Earth. Pursued by the Kylothian queen, Serleena (who planned to use its power to …
The Untold Truth Of Men In Black II - Looper
Jul 28, 2022 · One of the highlights of "Men in Black II" is Lara Flynn Boyle's performance as Serleena, the Kylothian who'll go through anyone in her way to bring the enigmatic Light of …
Kylothians - Monster Moviepedia | Fandom
Kylothians are a malevolent race of strange aliens from the planet Kyloth. They appear to be made entirely of small tentacles, which are wrapped around each other. Only one Kylothian is …
What does Kylothian mean? - Definitions.net
Information and translations of Kylothian in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Serleena - Movie Monster Wiki | Fandom
Serleena is a Kylothian military official appearing as the main antagonist of Men in Black II. For the majority of the film, Serleena takes on the form of Lara Flynn Boyle, though her true form is …