Johnson University - A Christian University in Knoxville, Tennessee
Feb 27, 2025 · Johnson University is a private Christian university in Knoxville, Tennessee. Get ready for your future at JU!
Home | My Portal - Johnson University Florida
my.JohnsonU.edu. Get help using 'my.JohnsonU.edu' Current students, faculty, staff and employees can access pertinent information here once logged in. Login Information: User Name is your Johnson University username (typically first.last for students, flast for faculty/staff). Applicants to the university do not follow this formula and should ...
Academics - Johnson University
Johnson University is a place of uncommon community where students get ready for a fulfilling career and a meaningful life. Join us in Tennessee or online!
my.JohnsonU.edu - Main View | Home | My Portal - Johnson …
my.JohnsonU.edu. Get help using 'my.JohnsonU.edu' Current students, faculty, staff and employees can access pertinent information here once logged in. Login Information: User Name is your Johnson University username (typically first.last for students, flast for faculty/staff). Applicants to the university do not follow this formula and should ...
Home | My Portal - Johnson University Florida
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About - Johnson University
Discover the Johnson University mission and learn about our location, history, & leadership. JU is a great place to get ready for your future!
Where Faith, Leadership, and Future Meet - Johnson University
At Johnson University, we’re dedicated to helping students discover how to use their passions and gifts to make a difference for Christ. Whether they are called to global missions, church leadership, or other strategic vocations, our Christ-centered education equips students to serve the Kingdom of God and live out their faith in meaningful ways.
Leadership - Johnson University
Daniel Overdorf, president. On July 1, 2024, Daniel Overdorf became Johnson University’s eighth president. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Preaching from Johnson University, Master of Divinity from Lincoln Christian Seminary, and Doctor of Ministry from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.
Financial Aid - Johnson University
Complete the Financial Aid Check-In on My.JohnsonU.edu. Review the Johnson scholarships that are available on your campus. Consider work-study options to earn extra money on campus.
Bachelor's Degrees - Johnson University
Johnson University is a place of uncommon community where students get ready for a fulfilling career and a meaningful life. Join us in Tennessee or online!