HORSE - JewishEncyclopedia.com
The horse was considered one of the most useful of the domestic animals; hence one should not live in a city where the neighing of the horse is not heard (Pes. 113a). It was used for riding …
A History of Horses in the Divided Kingdom of Israel and Judah
Feb 21, 2012 · Horses first appear in the Biblical narrative during Solomon’s reign, and there are increased attestations of their military use during the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah. …
Hippology of Ancient Israel - Biblical Archaeology Society
Mar 21, 2012 · Horses are rarely mentioned in Biblical stories set before the time of the Israelite monarchy. They first appear in narratives referring to Solomon’s time. The Assyrians mention …
Horse | The 1901 Jewish Encyclopedia - BiblePortal
Where the horse is referred to, it is the war-steed of the enemy, from whom for warlike purposes the Hebrews must have learned the art of training and utilizing the animal. The horse was not …
Horse - Jewish Knowledge Base - Chabad.org
Horses neither chew their cud nor have split hooves. It was an unusual job for a religious Jew, and his success aroused jealousy, even among his own artisans. An old man was sitting in a …
Horses | Texts & Source Sheets from Torah, Talmud and Sefaria's …
Jewish texts and source sheets about Horses from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library.
The Enigmatic Jewish Horse: Exploring Art, Culture, and History
Jan 14, 2025 · Why are horses important in Jewish tradition? Horses symbolize strength, freedom, and divine intervention in Jewish texts and history. How did Marc Chagall use horses …
Horses - Chabad.org
Said Rabbi Meir: “Have you ever noticed how a horse behaves when he is led to a stream to drink? He begins to paw angrily at the water with his hooves; only when the water is well …
The Jewish Horse | Aish
As trained, the horse stops suddenly -- barely two feet from the edge of the cliff. Shaking like a leaf, Shmerel pulls out his handkerchief and wipes the sweat from his forehead. "Whew" he …
The Horsemen of Israel: Horses and Chariotry in Monarchic
Horses, chariots, and the “horsemen of Israel” had become so prevalent during the Monarchic period that they fired the poetic imagination of prophets and inspired the poets. Their …