Jokes & Humor:The Irish Pig ( a poem) - Dave's Garden
Apr 28, 2012 · The Irish Pig 'Twas an evening in November, As I very well remember, I was strolling down the street in drunken pride,... But my knees were all aflutter, So I landed in the gutter, And a pig came up and lay down by my side. Yes I lay there in the gutter Thinking thoughts I could not utter, When a colleen passing by did softly say, "Ye can tell ...
Irish Eyes Garden Seeds
Irish Eyes has great prices on organic seed, although a limited selection. I was able to find large packets of Maestro peas. Great prices on flats and cells and coco fiber. Also a wonderful product they have is a dry fish emulsion that will last forever. What I …
Will the Real Shamrock Please Stand Up? - Dave's Garden
Mar 16, 2019 · In reality, over 32 million people in the United States and over 80 million people worldwide can claim Irish roots, however most of us do not know the history of the holiday or can recognize an actual shamrock plant. The shamrock in Irish history. Legend has it that St. Patrick preached to convert the Irish to Christianity in the 5th Century.
Gardening Spades: Choosing the one that's right for you - Dave's …
Jun 28, 2011 · You'll find the Irish spade great for shrub planting, digging in rocky soils, double digging, soil amending, ditch digging and many more gardening chores. Click on the image for an expanded view Transplanting Spade With a long narrow blade, the transplanting spade reaches deep into the soil to leverage out those deep rooted plantings.
How to Grow Heath and Heather - Dave's Garden
Feb 29, 2016 · Looking for some added color in your garden? Winter color? Then try heaths and heathers. These low-growing perennials offer intense color, interesting foliage, and flowers in the home garden.
PlantFiles: The Largest Plant Identification Reference Guide
Sagina Species, Corsican Pearl Wort, Heath Pearlwort, Irish Moss, Scottish Moss Sagina subulata Upload Image Print Version
Potatoes - which, when, where to buy seed potatoes (NC FL)
Jan 25, 2010 · Laura, I agree with Howdy. Buying seed from your local feed and seed is the way to go. Unlike the big box stores who sell anything, many times mislabeled, the small feed stores do sell what grows in the local soil.
Sea Pinks - A Coastal Beauty - Dave's Garden
Feb 25, 2012 · Sea pinks or thrift are one of the most satisfying perennials due to their carefree culture and lack of pests and diseases. Suitable for rockeries, containers and coastal gardens, they really are a...
Goldenrod Legends and Lore - Dave's Garden
Nov 13, 2012 · About Sharon Brown. I am a retired high school art and humanities teacher. I grew up in the Appalachian mountains of southeast KY and now I live with my two rescued cats, Jazz and Daisy, in far western KY.
Plants reported to grow well and around Boulder Creek, ca
Rudbeckia, Black-Eyed Susan, Gloriosa Daisy 'Irish Eyes' Rudbeckia hirta: Boulder Creek, ca 1 miles: Lycopersicon, Pear Tomato 'Yellow Pear' Lycopersicon lycopersicum: Boulder Creek, ca 1 miles: Buddleja, Butterfly Bush, Golden Butterfly Bush 'Honeycomb' Buddleja x weyeriana: Boulder Creek, ca 1 miles: Climbing Polyantha Rose 'Cecile Brunner ...