Elegent way to set variables in .ini files - Super User
Jul 28, 2017 · Because sql server's options are set in an .ini file, I'm not sure what the best way to edit said .ini file is. I could see myself. Copying the whole .ini file in powershell and setting variables within the quotes to write it out later, or; saving the ini file separately and searching for each line I need to set variables as a string to edit ...
Folder icon, desktop.ini and file attributes - Super User
May 14, 2022 · If a folder has the Readonly or System flag set, then Explorer will look for a desktop.ini file which describes the folder customizations. For performance reasons, Explorer does this only if the directory has the +R or +S flag. (This is enormously important on slow networks.) MS KB 256614 : Unable to remove Read-Only attribute from folder
Disable creation of desktop.ini in windows 10 (on the Desktop)
Nov 28, 2015 · [Deleted prior answer] Whoops, sorry about that. Its been awhile and had it confused with thumbs.db. Try this instead for desktop.ini files: Open the registry editor and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer …
How to open a file for editing in Administrator mode?
Dec 7, 2010 · Joel Coehoorn's answer needed a copy of the .exe file (which won't get automatically updated, as he mentioned). Also it will also always trigger UAC for the specific file type. Marlon's answer just starts the program as admin, you still need to open the file manually in Notepad++. And notepadpp studend user's answer is off-topic AFAICT. –
How to convert absolute paths to relative paths in .ini file?
Mar 29, 2014 · Below is the .ini file. Adviant, Deluxe, 32bit and Forms represent folders in the illustration above [Preferences] ConnectionPref=0 PartnerOffers=1 [UninstallInfo] ProgramFolder=Adviant Deluxe RegFolder=Adviant Deluxe InstDir=C:\Program Files\Adviant\Deluxe [EngineOptions] FormPath1=C:\Program Files\Adviant\Deluxe\Forms …
dvd burning - Why is desktop.ini "Ready to Be Written to the Disc" …
Viewing the DVD would only display a Desktop.ini file with no actual data files. “Ready to Be Written to the Disc” of any CD or DVD inserted under Windows 7. Solution - Since the system was a laptop, I was able to remove the DVD drive from the bay.
windows - How to hide desktop.ini files without hiding other …
Jul 27, 2014 · X:> attrib desktop.ini +s +h (for hiding file/folder filename, replace 'desktop.ini' by filename) Now desktop.ini would not show even if you display all hidden files in windows explorer. To revert the process, following command needs to be used: X:> attrib desktop.ini -s -h. This works fine in Windows XP, Vista, 7.
Where is dbeaver.ini located if DBeaver is installed via windows …
Feb 10, 2023 · Where is dbeaver.ini located if DBeaver is installed via windows store as an app? Background of my question: I want to use a different VM
bash - How can I change values of the `.ini` files via command line ...
Aug 15, 2018 · This question is 5 years old and despite YAML having mostly replaced INI as the dominant config file format, editing INI files is still something you need to do sometimes – in my case to add or update access keys in my ~/.aws/credentials file, or, like the OP, to edit php.ini. I googled for "command line ini file editor" and found initool. It ...
Can I add a second php.ini file that supercedes the first?
May 4, 2015 · PHP loads additional .ini files from a certain directory. On a Debian 8 box, that directory is: /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d. Files in that directory are loaded in alphabetical order, so naming a file 00-overrides.ini (for example) will cause it to be loaded first. Settings set in that file will override settings set in the default php.ini.