What is the temperature of the flowing water in icy river?
Mar 8, 2017 · This all means that the cold region's rivers are not thermally static through time. Even in the High Arctic, an icy river can be frozen along both its vertical and horizontal profile …
thermodynamics - Ice on rocks at bottom of flowing river - Earth ...
Jan 16, 2024 · The river is about 5-6 feet (1.5–1.8 metre) deep and moving fast enough so the river at the surface is completely ice free. The bottom of the river has ice attached to the rocks …
Classification of river - Earth Science Stack Exchange
May 30, 2023 · It is not easy to classify rivers, especially on the basis that many rivers evolve (see fig) and that man often interferes with the river, but there is a good classification according to …
Is it possible for rivers to freeze completely and stop flowing?
Feb 3, 2015 · A completely frozen river is equivalent to a glacier. There are glaciers that move, and there are glaciers that are static over periods of time. So the answer is yes. However. …
hydrology - Where's the Colorado River water going between Glen …
Oct 22, 2022 · While looking through the "minimum inflow" 24-month projection for the Colorado River basin, I noticed something odd for the Lake Mead chart: an expected negative inflow …
How can flood inundation vary at the same river stage?
Mar 18, 2019 · I've always thought that river flooding would always be the same at the same river stage. For example, if the river stage is at 20' flooding at location "x" would always be at the …
What's the contribution of different types of river sources?
There are different types of river sources, most people might think of springs, melting snow or glaciers, but other types of sources can include wet meadows or marshland. In terms of …
Oxbow lake, but not completely cut off from the river
Mar 12, 2023 · When a meander of a river is completely cut off from the river, yet still contains water, it is called an oxbow lake. What if the meander is cut off only at the "exit", but the …
Why would channelizing a river reduce any nearby wetlands?
Channelization is when you straighten a river to make a shorter path from A to B. This makes the water flow faster, since the path is shorter but the volumetric flow rate of water must be the …
Estimate the flow velocity of a river with satellite images
Jun 25, 2017 · In more detail: I would like to verify data on flow velocity of rivers that has been submitted to me. Usually it was taken at the side of the river (within 2-5 meters of the river …