Green Building Boards Soundproof Fiberboard | Homasote
The Homasote brand embodies an array of uses and fiberboard products specific to sound control in floors and walls, tackable wall board, fire protection for roof decks, concrete expansion joints and industrial packaging.
Homasote Company History and Manufacturing Process | Homasote
About Homasote® and Homasote Company. Homasote® structural fiberboard products are used in residential and commercial building. Among its applications are sound control, roof decking, concrete forming, expansion joint, tackable panels, insulation and, under the PAK-LINE® brand, industrial packaging. HOMASOTE COMPANY HISTORY
440 SoundBarrier Controls Sound in Floors, Walls and Ceilings
Independently lab tested and time-proven in millions of square feet of residential and commercial structures, 440 SoundBarrier® is a special-density, structural board made from 100 percent environmental Homasote ® cellulose fiber, a homogeneous composition manufactured with uniformly distributed protection against termites, rot and fungi and ...
Products - Homasote
For pricing, availability and other questions about Homasote Company building products click here to find your local Homasote® sales representative. If you're seeking packaging products …
Where to Buy - Retail locations - Homasote
For Your Local Homasote Company Representative Click Here. Dealer Locator. Our dealer locator allows you to find a local Homasote dealer by
Uses for Homasote
There are dozens of creative ways to use Homasote for hobbies. Learn More. House & workshop. Homasote provides reusable, shock-absorbing protection for floors, work surfaces, truck beds. Learn More. Ice rink conversion. Convert ice rinks for other uses with insulating, structural decking. Learn More. Multiple family dwellings
Frequently Asked Questions | Homasote
Q: Where can Homasote be purchased? A: Homasote products are available at most lumber and home center locations. Large chains may stock our most popular sizes (1/2", 4' x 8').
Environment - Every Day is Earth Day | Homasote
Homasote Facts. Each ton of recycled newsprint conserves about 300 cubic yards of landfill space. Each year Homasote building products help conserve more than 1,370,000 trees and eliminate more than 100,000,000 pounds of solid waste each year.
Construction Suggestions for Noise Control | Homasote
Homasote® building products have been used successfully for decades to help deaden sound in all types of residential and commercial construction. Combined with - or added to - conventional partition and floor systems, 440 SoundBarrier® will reduce transmission of …
Our Users: Homeowners, Do-It-Yourselfers and Hobbyists
Homasote is lightweight, easy to cut and easy to handle. There are no knots or voids, and Homasote is environmentally friendly. Explore the uses listed here to find the right products for you, as well as installation instructions and handling tips.