Packaging Design Reinvented - Halopack
HALOPACK® is all about creating consumer momentum, enhancing the performance of packaging products, using all potential value and generating new markets in a novel way.
The HALOPACK packaging system - Halopack
HALOPACK is produced with renewable or even recycled cardboard, without sacrificing the quality of the food. Due to the unique and patented production process no virgin sourced …
FAQ - Halopack
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the HALOPACK Packaging System
The HALOPACK tray is gas-tight due to the high-barrier EVOH film. HALOPACK is designed to extend the shelf life of daily fresh food by modifying the atmosphere of cardboard packaging.
HALOPACK Duo-tray - Halopack
The HALOPACK tray is gas-tight due to the high-barrier EVOH film. HALOPACK is designed to extend the shelf life of daily fresh food by modifying the atmosphere of cardboard packaging.
HALOPACK is designed to extend the shelf life of daily fresh food by modifying the atmosphere of cardboard packaging. The combination of virgin cardboard and ovenable film offers the …
HALOPACK Americas - Hudson Blaise - Halopack
The tray is manufactured from renewable or recycled cardboard, and the film can be easily separated from the paperboard to enable the majority of the pack to be recycled, the release …