Strain Gauge Adhesives & Bonding Material | HBM
Adhesives from HBM meet the most stringent demands when it comes to bonding strain gauges to the test object: Transfer of deformation of the test object to the strain gauge in as lossless a way as possible; Stable behavior across as wide a temperature and strain range as possible; The strain gauges and the test object are not affected.
SPLE/SPLA Load Cells | HBM
Our SPLA and SPLE load cells are designed for checkweigher and machinery manufacturers seeking efficient, low-capacity (<300 grams) checkweighing solutions.
FIT/1: All-rounder Digital Load Cell - HBM
Rely on the market leader’s solution for your dynamic weighing: The FIT/1 digital load cell meets the highest demands on speed and reliability in your heavy-duty system. Even 1,200 measurements per second are not a problem with FIT/1. Reliable results through integrated overload protection and sound workmanship.
3M™ Overlaminate Label Material 7741, Clear Polyester, Roll, Config
3M™ Overlaminate Label Material 7741 utilizes a polyester film that is recommended for optimum durability and outdoor UV exposure. 3M™ Adhesive 400 offers excellent low temperature performance and long term aging for resistance to yellowing in outdoor applications.
HB 7741-2004 复合材料件一般公差 - 道客巴巴
hb 7741-2004 符合材料件一般公差 星级: 12 页 塑胶件一般公差优质课件 星级: 15 页 焊接件的一般公差尺寸和形位公差标准书 星级: 8 页 焊接件的一般公差尺寸和形位公差标准书.. 星级: 3 页 ...
The ISO7741E-Q1 automotive device is a grade 0, high-performance, quad-channel digital isolator with 5000VRMS isolation ratings per UL 1577. This device has reinforced insulation ratings according to VDE, CSA, TUV and CQC.
The ISO7741T-Q1 is a grade 1, high-performance, quad-channel digital isolator with integrated transformer driver with 5000VRMS isolation ratings per UL 1577. This reinforced insulation ratings according. to VDE, CSA, TUV and CQC.
The ISO774x devices are high-performance, quad-channel digital isolators with 5000VRMS (DW package) and 3000VRMS (DBQ package) isolation ratings per UL 1577. This family includes devices with reinforced insulation ratings according to VDE, CSA, TUV and CQC. The ISO7741B device is designed for applications that require basic insulation ratings only.
Test & Measurement | Load Cell | Sensor | Strain Gauge | HBM
As a technology and market leader worldwide, HBM offers products for test and measurement including load cells, transducers, and strain gauges.
HB 7741-2004 复合材料件一般公差 标准全文
4 days ago · HB 7741-2004的标准全文信息,本标准适用于纤维增强树脂基复合材料件 (不包括湿法成型的纤维增强树脂基复合材料件) 其它类型的复合材料件可参照采用。复合材料件一般公差, General tolerances for composite material parts, 提供HB 7741-2004的发布时间、引用