Guangdong University Of Finance and Economics - 广东财经大学
About GDUFE - Guangdong University Of Finance and Economics
Currently, GDUFE is making strides towards the goal of building a first-class university of finance and economics in the Greater Bay Area. It consists of two campuses with a total land area...
Enrollment Guide - Guangdong University Of Finance and Economics
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics (GDUFE) was founded in 1983 and it was authorized to confer doctor’s degree since 2021. It consists of two campuses with a total land area of about...
广财简介 - Guangdong University Of Finance and Economics
Enrollment Guide - Guangdong University Of Finance and Economics
After 41 years of development, GDUFE has become a comprehensive university of finance and economics with distinct disciplinary characteristics, strong teaching faculty, significant...
广东财经大学 - 百度百科
广东财经大学(Guangdong University of Finance & Economics),简称“广财(GDUFE)”,坐落于广东省,学校由广东省人民政府举办,广东省教育厅主管,是教育部新商科智慧学习工场(2020)(A)项目试点院校(2021年)、广东省“冲一流、补短板、强特色”特色高校提升 ...
Guangdong University of Finance and Economics - Wikipedia
The Guangdong University of Finances and Economics (Chinese: 广东财经大学) is a provincial public university in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. The university is affiliated with the Province of Guangdong and sponsored by the provincial government.
广东财经大学 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
广东财经大学(英語: Guangdong University of Finance and Economics ,缩写: GDUFE ),简称广东财大或广财,是一所位于中华人民共和国 广东省的公立财经类大学。广东财经大学的前身广东财经学院创建于1983年5月,1985年6月更名广东商学院,2013年6月更名广东财经大学。
Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (GDUFE)
Guangdong University of Finance & Economics (GUFE) is a comprehensive public university located in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Established in 1983, GUFE has evolved into a prominent institution specializing in finance, economics, management, and related disciplines.
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