Geekbench 6 - Cross-Platform Benchmark
Geekbench 6 is a cross-platform benchmark that measures your system's performance with the press of a button. How will your mobile device or desktop computer perform when push comes to crunch? How will it compare to the newest devices on the market?
Download Geekbench 6
Windows. Download for Windows. System Requirements: Windows 10 (64-bit) or later 4GB of RAM. Processor Requirements: AMD, ARM, or Intel processor
Processor Benchmarks - Geekbench
Geekbench 6 scores are calibrated against a baseline score of 2500 (which is the score of an Intel Core i7-12700). Higher scores are better, with double the score indicating double the performance. If you're curious how your computer compares, you can download Geekbench 6 and run it on your computer to find out its score.
Home - Geekbench
Geekbench measures your computer's processor and memory performance. Use the Geekbench Browser to share and discover Geekbench results with other people around the world.
Geekbench 5 - Geekbench Blog
Sep 3, 2019 · Geekbench 5, the latest major upgrade to Primate Labs’ easy-to-use cross-platform benchmark, is now available for download. Geekbench 5 allows you to measure your system’s power more accurately than ever before. You can download Geekbench 5 for Windows, macOS, and Linux from the Geekbench website.
Geekbench 6 - Geekbench Blog
Feb 14, 2023 · Geekbench 6, the latest version of the best cross-platform benchmark, has arrived and is loaded with new and improved workloads to measure the performance of your CPUs and GPUs. Geekbench 6 is available for download today for Android , …
Geekbench 5 Results - Geekbench
3 days ago · Latest Geekbench 5 CPU Results. System QEMU Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996) AMD EPYC 7551 1996 MHz (1 cores) Uploaded Wed, 12 Mar 2025 13:19:38 +0000. Platform Linux Single-Core Score 136 Multi-Core Score 176 System Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite Qualcomm Qualcomm 1843 MHz (8 cores)
iOS Benchmarks - Geekbench
Geekbench 6 scores are calibrated against a baseline score of 2500 (which is the score of an Intel Core i7-12700). Higher scores are better, with double the score indicating double the performance. If you're curious how your iPhone, iPad, or iPod compares, you can download Geekbench 6 and run it on your iOS device to find out its score.
Geekbench Browser
Geekbench 6. Top Single-Core Results Top Multi-Core Results Recent CPU Results. Recent GPU Results. Geekbench AI. Recent Results. Benchmark Charts. Android Benchmark Chart iOS Benchmark Chart Mac Benchmark Chart Processor Benchmark Chart. AI Benchmark Chart. Metal Benchmark Chart OpenCL Benchmark Chart Vulkan Benchmark Chart.
Geekbench 6 Editions
Geekbench 6 Free. The easiest way to benchmark all of your devices & manage your results in the Geekbench Browser. Includes: CPU Benchmark; GPU Compute Benchmark; Online Results Management