GTL - Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company
For more than 80 years, Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (GTL) has been a company our Policyholders can count on. We’re committed to the values of integrity, innovation and personal service.
About GTL - GTL
Our Mission. Our mission is to be recognized as a highly-competent, mid-sized mutual insurer, who by bridging timeless virtues with current best business practices, is effective in marketing targeted life and health products across the country.
Medicare Supplement Insurance - GTL
GTL's Medicare Supplement Insurance policy helps cover out-of-pocket health care expenses Medicare may not, providing you with more coverage and confidence in the years to come. How does it work? Choose from Plans A, F, G and N depending …
GTL Marketing Materials: Any advertising or marketing materials created by Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company must be used as provided and cannot be altered.
ReviewMyClaims! Access your GTL Account. - GTL policyholder …
Access your GTL Account. Access your policy information, download your policy ID card, check a claim status, update your contact information, pay a bill, and more — all right at your fingertips! …
Your Medicare Supplement policy with GTL is designed to coordinate with Medicare and pay your co-insurance amount that Medicare doesn’t. Is Medicare Advantage the same as Medicare? No it is not, they are two very different programs.
Hospital Indemnity - GTL
GTL’s Advantage Plus Elite covers hospital observation. 2 GTL’s Advantage Plus Elite plan is guaranteed issue for ages 64 1/2 up to 70 and a simple yes/no application for other ages.
Terms and Conditions - GTL
All trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, icons and domain names located on this website are the property of GTL.
ProviderPortalHome - GTL policyholder application
Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST Friday - 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. CST © 2025 - Guarantee Trust Life Insurance Company (GTL)
Disclosures and Sources - GTL
Mayo Clinic and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Mayo Clinic does not endorse any third party products advertised. Availability of Ask Mayo Clinic is subject to change without prior notice.