GSA Digital Maps - Geological Society of America
GSA Digital Maps The following open access digital maps have been published by the Geological Society of America under the Digital Maps and Charts series. They are listed here in chronological order. Our available printed maps can be found in the online GSA Store. Geologic Map of the Ricardo Group; Geologic Map of Iron Mountain
Maps & Charts – GSA Online Store
Peer-reviewed maps and charts published by GSA from 1959 onward, most available as PDFs.
GSA Geologic Time Scale - Geological Society of America
At GSA you'll find the resources, confidence, and connections you need to reach fulfilling new heights in your geoscience career.
Products – GSA Online Store
Shop the Geological Society of America (GSA) Webstore for geology books, maps, apparel, gifts, and professional resources. Explore high-quality publications, field guides, and exclusive GSA merchandise. Perfect for geologists, students, and enthusiasts!
Digital Maps - Geological Society of America
Precision: Map precisions has not been assessed for the geologic units and vent locations. Description: The Pacaya volcanic complex is part of the Central America volcanic arc, which is associated with the subduction of the Cocos plate under the Caribbean plate.
Digital Maps - Geological Society of America
This geologic map covers an area of ~500 km 2 in coastal Sonora along the eastern rifted margin of the northern Gulf of California. Detailed geologic mapping of rare exposures of late Miocene rocks in the Sierra Bacha provides a unique opportunity to investigate the timing, magnitude, and style of deformation during the tectonic transition from ...
The Value of Geologic Mapping - GSA Position Statement 3
Maps provide information on Earth's structure, processes, environments of deposition, and features both at and below Earth's surface. They offer foundational data for mineral, energy, and water resources. Geologic maps can also show how the physical environment has been impacted by human activity.
Neotectonics of North America – GSA Online Store
Jan 1, 1991 · Seventeen chapters discuss seismicity, four discuss regional stress fields, and five discuss regional patterns of the thermal aspect data. These chapters supplement the information portrayed on three 1:5,000,000-scale maps of North America: the Seismicity Map, the Stress Map, and the Geothermal Map. View the entire DNAG collection.
Digital Maps - Geological Society of America
Description: A new geologic map of Santiaguito is presented, updating information from 1972 and reflecting continual growth of an active volcanic dome complex. The dome has been marked by unsteady extrusion of dacite lava, which has formed 34 time stratigraphic dome units as well as fragmental deposits that consist of dome-collapse debris ...
Tectonic Strip Maps of Alpine-Himalayan and Pacific Belts
Full Title: Tectonic Strip Maps of Alpine-Himalayan and Circum-Pacific Orogenic Belts (Great Circle Projections)Compilers: William R. Dickinson, Peter N. Swift, and Peter J. Coney Buy the digital version (not available in print)One black and white 40.5" x 63" sheet.