The Plaster Cast as Sculpture
Jasper Johns, a well known American sculptor, became famous through the use of plaster as his art media. His sculptures basically consisted of people encased in plaster, for which he utilized real people and used plaster bandages, very much …
Body Casting - Phelps Sculpture Studio
Sculptor David Phelps often uses plaster bandage body casts as visual references in his figurative sculpting process. This process yields an anatomically accurate negative mold from which a positive life size image will be pulled.
Encased in Plaster: Scientific Revelations from the Casts of ... - Getty
Apr 15, 2023 · Plaster casts of bodies buried by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 were successfully made in the mid 1860s. They generated dramatic tales of the victims' lives and deaths based on scant research and circumstantial evidence.
Lifecasting - girl encased in plaster - YouTube
this lifecasting was done to create a statue of a living person from head to belly.Although all skin was covered with thick oily lotion and the hair with pla...
Human Remains in Pompeii: The Unique Case of the Body Casts
Nov 5, 2017 · To date, archaeologists have discovered around 1150 examples of human remains in Pompeii. Of these, around 100 have been encased in plaster casts created around their bodies in the tufa. Exactly how did this unique form of preservation arise? And how does it help inform our understanding of the past?
Interesting Rescue : Woman stuck encased in plaster after Art
May 7, 2015 · A woman becomes entombed in plaster after an art exhibit goes wrong. The woman agreed to be part of the exhibit, where she entered a cardboard box and several other artists poured layers of plaster on top of her. She was left with a straw for breathing air.
Encased In Plaster, a horror fiction | FictionPress
Finally, he placed a series of wet plaster strips over her face and head, carefully following the contours of her face. It had become pretty late by then, so he stood back and admired his masterpiece: a life-sized sculpture of a pretty young woman in …
Encased in Plaster: Scientific Revelations from the Casts of ... - YouTube
Archaeologist Estelle Lazer analyzes X-ray and CT scans of the casts, revealing new information about the people of Pompeii.Learn more about the Pompeii Cast...
Sue - Cast Central
When I came to in the recovery room, my left leg was encased in a cast from just below the hip to just above the ankle. In addition, my left arm, shoulder, and most of my chest were also encased in a cast. Having had an attraction to plaster casts since my mid-teens (I was in my mid-30's at the time) I experienced an answer to my long-held dreams.
Plaster Gauze | Encasement - Flickr
Plaster gauze is my absolute favorite form of bondage. It binds, gags and blindfolds as well as anything and makes the wrapped body part completely immobile. A head to toe body mummification would be wonderful.