Eclogite - Wikipedia
Eclogite (/ ˈ ɛ k l ə dʒ aɪ t /) is a metamorphic rock containing garnet (almandine-pyrope) hosted in a matrix of sodium-rich pyroxene . Accessory minerals include kyanite , rutile , quartz , …
Eclogite | Metamorphic, Mafic Minerals & Garnet | Britannica
Eclogite, any member of a small group of igneous and metamorphic rocks whose composition is similar to that of basalt. Eclogites consist primarily of green pyroxene (omphacite) and red …
Eclogite - Metamorphic Rocks - Sandatlas
Eclogite as a rock type was first defined by a French mineralogist René Just Haüy in 1822 2. He used the term for a “fancy rock” composed mainly of two minerals “diallage and garnet …
Eclogite : Compositions, Formation, Properties - Geology Science
Jan 12, 2023 · Eclogite is a type of metamorphic rock with distinct mineral composition and texture, typically formed under high-pressure and high-temperature conditions deep within the …
Eclogite Meanings and Crystal Properties - The Crystal Council
Eclogite is unique and has been formed under extreme heat and pressure. It only occurs on Earth’s lower crust and upper mantle (18-28 miles down), and under temperatures that exceed …
Eclogite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Both must be present and neither component more than 75% vol. Eclogite never contains plagioclase. Rutile, kyanite, and quartz are typically present. May be confused with garnet …
(PDF) The classification of eclogites and how the role of fluids ...
Mar 3, 2016 · As for this paper, we focus on the metamorphic rock type Eclogite, the high pressure and high temperature metamorphic facies of mafic igneous rocks.
Eclogite - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Eclogite is a rare and significant rock formed only by conditions typically found in the mantle or the lowermost part of the thickened crust. The rock occurs with garnet peridotite in Greenland and …
Eclogite: A high P/T metamorphic rock composed of more than 75% vol. garnet (often pyrope or Mg-rich almandine) and omphacite (Na-Ca-Al-Mg clinopyroxene). Both must be present and …
Eclogites - Halama - 2024 - Geology Today - Wiley Online Library
Feb 8, 2024 · The beauty of an eclogite is something to behold: any petrologist marvels in the combination of red garnet and green omphacite that are the main mineral constituents of the …