se dio lectura a la presente acta | WordReference Forums
Jun 4, 2008 · Stuck translating a bc spanish to engish need some help: "Se dio lectura a la presente acta y conformes con su contenido la ratifican y firman quienes en ella intervinieron y saben hacerlo y quienes no imprimen su huella digital. Doy fe". Any help will be appreciated!
que Dios le/la bendiga - WordReference Forums
Oct 5, 2015 · Yes, bascially use "lo" for a man and "la" for a woman, or "le" for anyone, in normal conversation just about anywhere, except that if you are writing a Ph.D. Dissertation or an application to University Graduate School, then you need to find out that particular school/country prefers for very formal writing.
me dio aire, agarré aire, me dio como un aire - WordReference …
Oct 12, 2007 · Puede ser que atribuyan una contractura muscular, dolor por contractura a que un aire frío les dio en esa zona y eso provocó el dolor. Ejemplo: Tomé frío en el cuello y ahora no lo puedo mover... atribuyen al frío la contractura del cuello. ¿Sirve mi explicación?, perdón por no hacerlo en inglés, pero mi inglés no es tan bueno aún.
Difference in pronunciation between: a, á, ã, â and à
Sep 11, 2014 · Could I get a few people to explain the difference in pronunciation between a, á, ã, â and à in Portuguese using English comparisons (if possible)? I can't seem to find a thread or other Web site that addresses them each clearly. Thanks!
conocerla, conocerlo / conocerle | WordReference Forums
May 10, 2007 · Hola y buen día a todos! Estoy traduciendo una carta, y quiero decir, en español, "it was nice to meet you".... lo que me da problemas es la parte de conocer-- se traduciría: "Me dio gusto conocerla a usted" o "Me dio gusto conocerle a usted" Alguna sugerencia por favor??
ai danni di - WordReference Forums
Jul 16, 2009 · Hello everybody, i need help. I don't know how to translate the sentence : La scommessa fra Dio e il Diavolo giocata ai danni del dottor Faust. I tried in this way : The bet between God and Devil played on damn of doctor Faust. Could be …
el hecho de que + subjunctive/indicative - WordReference Forums
Apr 20, 2016 · What explains the use of the subjunctive is that "el hecho de que" typically refers to information that's known in the discourse/conversation, and that's precisely one of the uses of the subjunctive; to refer to known information: el hecho de que el escenario estuviera al aire libre dio a la actuación de los rockeros un carácter exceptional ...
adiós - WordReference Forums
Mar 14, 2006 · Right. Dios has one syllabe. Adiós has two. Spanish rules: 1)Has the word one syllabe? 1a) Yes. NO ACCENT. Dios.
Le abbreviazioni nella lingua italiana - Abbreviations in Italian
Jul 27, 2012 · A forum discussion about abbreviations in the Italian language.
no sólo...sino (que/también) - the rules | WordReference Forums
Apr 15, 2015 · no solo la encontré muy divertida sino que me dio una idea del mundo laboral. Dio is your verb, this is what I meant with sino que + verb: you are introducing a coordinate clause with it. No verb in the following clause = no que: