Cyrix - Wikipedia
Cyrix Corporation was a microprocessor developer that was founded in 1988 in Richardson, Texas, as a specialist supplier of floating point units for 286 and 386 microprocessors. The …
Cyrix processor chips: In memoriam - The Silicon Underground
Apr 28, 2021 · Cyrix’s first products, introduced in 1988, were 287- and 387-compatible math coprocessors that outperformed Intel’s equivalent chip. This is ironic, since Cyrix spent much …
Math Coprocessors - DOS Days
Cyrix FasMath CX-83D87 / 387DX+ The CX-83D87 (called 387DX+ in Europe) and branded FasMath, was introduced in 1989. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor, available in 25, …
FPU 387 questions - VOGONS
Dec 1, 2016 · I have a motherboard which requires you to set a particular jumper if you are using the 87DLC from Cyrix. If you don't set the jumper, it doesn't work. However, I haven't …
A brief comparison of 386 FPUs - VOGONS
Mar 7, 2011 · I have run version 19.6 of Fractint on three different FPUs: Cyrix FasMath black-top, i387DX, and ULSI DX2-66. I used fractal image Mandelfn with Video size SF7 …
Cyrix FPU - cpu-collection.de
The Cyrix 387DX+ is a CX-83D87 for the European marked, relabeled 387DX+. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor and provides up to 50% more performance than the Intel 387DX. …
Cyrix 387DX+ - IT History Society
The Cyrix 387DX+ is a CX-83D87 for the European marked, relabeled 387DX+. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor and provides up to 50% more performance than the Intel 387DX. …
Looking for 387 benchmarks - VOGONS
Jan 31, 2013 · I'm interested in benchmarks of different 387 FPUs - IIT, Cyrix Fasmath, Intel, ULSI... If anyone can do and post benchmarks. I usually use Checkit V3.0 and NSSI V0.59 for …
Cyrix 80387 floating-point unit family - CPU世界
Cyrix 80387 floating-point unit family. FPU » 80387 family » Cyrix. Production floating-point units. Cyrix 387DX-25. 25 MHz 68-pin ceramic PGA. Cyrix 387DX-33 (387DX) 33 MHz 68-pin …
Cyrix 387DX-40 (387DX+) - CPU世界
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal review, or your experience with the floating-point unit. Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do …