Cyrix - Wikipedia
Cyrix Corporation was a microprocessor developer that was founded in 1988 in Richardson, Texas, as a specialist supplier of floating point units for 286 and 386 microprocessors. The company was founded by Tom Brightman and Jerry Rogers. In 1992, Cyrix introduced its own i386 compatible processors, the 486SLC and 486DLC. [2]
Cyrix processor chips: In memoriam - The Silicon Underground
Apr 28, 2021 · Cyrix’s first products, introduced in 1988, were 287- and 387-compatible math coprocessors that outperformed Intel’s equivalent chip. This is ironic, since Cyrix spent much of its life chasing Intel’s floating point performance.
Math Coprocessors - DOS Days
Cyrix FasMath CX-83D87 / 387DX+ The CX-83D87 (called 387DX+ in Europe) and branded FasMath, was introduced in 1989. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor, available in 25, 33, and 40 MHz variants, and provides up to 50% better performance than …
FPU 387 questions - VOGONS
Dec 1, 2016 · I have a motherboard which requires you to set a particular jumper if you are using the 87DLC from Cyrix. If you don't set the jumper, it doesn't work. However, I haven't witnessed any speed differences between the Cyrix 387+ and the older grey-top Cyrix 387's.
A brief comparison of 386 FPUs - VOGONS
Mar 7, 2011 · I have run version 19.6 of Fractint on three different FPUs: Cyrix FasMath black-top, i387DX, and ULSI DX2-66. I used fractal image Mandelfn with Video size SF7 (1024x768x256c). All three FPUs took 32 seconds to finish drawing the fractal.
Cyrix FPU - cpu-collection.de
The Cyrix 387DX+ is a CX-83D87 for the European marked, relabeled 387DX+. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor and provides up to 50% more performance than the Intel 387DX. It also offers the most accurate transcendental functions of all coprocessors and is the 387 clone with the highest degree of compatibility to the Intel 387DX.
Cyrix 387DX+ - IT History Society
The Cyrix 387DX+ is a CX-83D87 for the European marked, relabeled 387DX+. It is the fastest 387-compatible coprocessor and provides up to 50% more performance than the Intel 387DX. It also offers the most accurate transcendental functions of all coprocessors and is the 387 clone with the highest degree of compatibility to the Intel 387DX.
Looking for 387 benchmarks - VOGONS
Jan 31, 2013 · I'm interested in benchmarks of different 387 FPUs - IIT, Cyrix Fasmath, Intel, ULSI... If anyone can do and post benchmarks. I usually use Checkit V3.0 and NSSI V0.59 for Whetstone benchmark.
Cyrix 80387 floating-point unit family - CPU世界
Cyrix 80387 floating-point unit family. FPU » 80387 family » Cyrix. Production floating-point units. Cyrix 387DX-25. 25 MHz 68-pin ceramic PGA. Cyrix 387DX-33 (387DX) 33 MHz 68-pin ceramic PGA. Cyrix 387DX-40 (387DX+) 40 MHz 68-pin ceramic PGA. Cyrix FasMath CX-83D87-16-GP. 16 MHz 68-pin ceramic PGA.
Cyrix 387DX-40 (387DX+) - CPU世界
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal review, or your experience with the floating-point unit. Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do not start discussions.