The composition of two convex functions is convex
$\begingroup$ @Lost1, there are actually four such rules, for each combination of convex/concave inner and outer functions: convex-nondecreasing & convex -> convex, convex-nonincreasing & concave -> convex, concave-nondecreasing & concave -> concave, concave-nonincreasing & convex -> concave. $\endgroup$ –
Understanding the proof of: Every convex function is continuous
Aug 18, 2020 · Midpoint-Convex and Continuous Implies Convex 11 Prob. 23, Chap. 4, in Baby Rudin: Every convex function is continuous and every increasing convex function of a convex function is convex
Proving a function of matrix is convex - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Feb 16, 2015 · Convexity is the exception, not the rule. In my experience, nearly every question "is this function convex?" ends up being answered in the negative---because the cases where convexity is present tend to be somewhat obvious. For general questions of computing derivatives involving vectors and matrices, the Matrix Cookbook is an essential resource.
real analysis - Midpoint-Convex and Continuous Implies Convex ...
Nov 18, 2011 · Below is the proof of the fact that every midpoint-convex function is rationally convex, which I copied from my older post on a different forum.
Definition of strongly convex - Mathematics Stack Exchange
It is easy to prove if you write out (2) based on the definition of convex function. Then what you need to know is that f(.) is convex and the norm is convex. Here any norm is ok, because of any norm is convex. Then the problem is proved.
How to determine whether a function of many variables is convex …
If the function is twice differentiable and the Hessian is positive semidefinite in the entire domain, then the function is convex. Note that the domain must be assumed to be convex too. If the Hessian has a negative eigenvalue at a point in the interior of the domain, then the function is …
optimization - Existence of minimizer for strongly convex function …
Jun 6, 2017 · I therefore provide here a very general Lemma (with valid reference): Every proper, lower-semi continuous, uniformly convex function on a Banach space is coercive and its subdifferential is onto. Lemma.
Maximizing a convex function - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Solve a Convex optimization Problem which Involves Non Linear Constraints (Using $ \log \left( \cdot \right) $ Function) 0 Is minimizing the sum of the reciprocals equivalent to maximizing the sum of the non-reciprocals, when the variables are coupled?
analysis - Proving that a convex function is locally Lipschitz ...
Every convex function is continuous. 4. Can a function be neither convex nor concave everywhere? 4.
real analysis - When is a log-convex function convex?
Aug 23, 2018 · It follows that any log-convex function is also convex, as the exponential of a convex function. In general nothing can be said about the composition of a concave function (like $\log$) with a convex function.