CIRCUITRY Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CIRCUITRY is the detailed plan or arrangement of an electric circuit. How to use circuitry in a sentence.
CIRCUITRY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CIRCUITRY definition: 1. the circuits that an electrical or electronic device contains, considered as a single system…. Learn more.
Circuitry 101: Exploring Basic Electrical Circuit Principles
In a basic electrical circuit, you’ll find a few key components: Power Source: The life force of the circuit, providing the energy needed for everything to work. Just like you need fuel to keep …
circuitry noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
Definition of circuitry noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.
circuitry, n. meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English …
There is one meaning in OED's entry for the noun circuitry. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definition, usage, and quotation evidence.
Circuitry - definition of circuitry by The Free Dictionary
Define circuitry. circuitry synonyms, circuitry pronunciation, circuitry translation, English dictionary definition of circuitry. n. pl. cir·cuit·ries 1. The design of or a detailed plan for an electric circuit. …
Circuitry - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
5 days ago · DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘circuitry'. Views expressed in the examples do not represent …
Circuitry Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Circuitry definition: The design of or a detailed plan for an electric circuit.
CIRCUITRY definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
CIRCUITRY definition: the design of an electrical circuit | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
CIRCUITRY Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
It’s difficult, perhaps impossible, probably pointless to tie all the ends together, to understand how the circuitry works — certainly not as you’re watching, while things move fast and …